
来源 :中国乡村医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bendanban
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为了深入贯彻党的十四届六中全会精神,大力推进农村精神文明建设,满足广大农民的精神文化生活需求,中央宣传部、国家科委、农业部、文化部、广播影视部、卫生部、国家计生委、新闻出版署、团中央和中国科协等十个单位,联合发出通知,决定在全国农村开展文化、科技、卫生“三下乡”活动。《通知》指出:开展文化、科技、卫生“三下乡”活动,是在农村贯彻党的十四届六中全会精神的一个重要举措,是我们党全心全意为人民服务宗旨的具体体现,各地各部门都要对这项工作给予高度重视,摆上重要日程,采取有力措施,狠抓工作落实。要求各地各部门,从各自的实际出发,制定出明确具体、切实可行的工 In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee and vigorously promote the construction of rural spiritual civilization to meet the needs of the peasants’ spiritual and cultural life, the Central Propaganda Department, the State Science and Technology Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Radio Film and Television, the Ministry of Health, Ten units, including the National Family Planning Commission, the Press and Publication Administration, the League Central Committee, and the China Association for Science and Technology, jointly issued a notice and decided to carry out the “Three Going to the Countryside” campaign in the rural areas across the country. The “Notice” pointed out that carrying out the activities of “Going to the countryside” in culture, science and technology, and health is an important measure for implementing the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee in the countryside and is a concrete manifestation of our Party’s purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly. The department must attach great importance to this work, put on an important agenda, take effective measures, and pay close attention to the implementation of the work. Require all localities and departments to formulate clear, concrete, and practical work based on their actual conditions.
4~2、下万 .,口雄壮、豪迈地程凤戒云飞、 岗词王锐曲2万3}2千.年, 1 6.j6 纵横九5百6五5下5上1族2一民3一华5倒0 13 中 …5 躺0{2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 23 伟大的凝聚顽强的繁衍,