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今年5月在中国举行的《财富》全球论坛“隐约逼近的环境危机”主题论坛上,中国国家环保总局副局长潘岳警告:中国的环境问题已经不是隐约逼近的危机,而是危机就在眼前。环境污染、生态破坏,严重威胁人类的生存。特别是在中国幅员广大的西部地区,每年因生态环境破坏造成的直接经济损失达1500亿元,占当地同期国内生产总值的13%。关注环境问题,保护人类赖以生存的环境是每个人义不容辞的责任,保护环境,促进可持续发展更是我国的一项基本国策“。环境保护,教育为本”,环境教育是基础教育的重要任务之一,是素质教育的组成部分,是每个教育工作者的职责。但环境教育,重在行动。为了达到上述目的,提高教师的环境素质,推动中小学环境教育,特别是中西部贫困地区学校环境教育的开展,北京师范大学得到美国通用电气基金会(GEFOUNDATION)的资助,正在推进“绿色种子行动”,本栏目所反映的内容即是行动的开始。 Pan Yue, deputy director of China’s State Environmental Protection Administration, warned in his forum on the subject of “vaguely approaching environmental crisis” in Fortune Global Forum held in China in May this year that China’s environmental problems are not a crisis of vague impending approximation but a crisis of immediate concern. Environmental pollution, ecological damage, a serious threat to human survival. Especially in the vast western region of China, the direct economic losses caused by the destruction of the ecological environment each year amount to 150 billion yuan, accounting for 13% of the local GDP over the same period. Concerned about environmental issues and protection of the environment on which mankind depends, it is incumbent on everyone to safeguard the environment and promote sustainable development. It is also a basic national policy of our country. “Environmental Protection and Education as the Basis”, and Environmental Education Is Important to Elementary Education One of the tasks, which is an integral part of quality education, is the responsibility of every educator. However, environmental education, focusing on action. In order to achieve the above objectives, improve the environmental quality of teachers and promote environmental education in primary and secondary schools, especially in environmental education in poor schools in the central and western regions, Beijing Normal University is funded by the General Electric Foundation (GEFOUNDATION) and is promoting the “Green Seed Initiative ”This column reflects the content is the beginning of action.
目的:急性肺损伤和急性呼吸窘迫综合征(acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome,ALI/ARDS)是临床危重症患者高发病率和死亡率的主要原因,因缺乏有效的治疗药
目的:对急性脑小血管闭塞(Small artery occlusion,SAO)致轻度认知功能障碍(Mild cognitive impairment,MCI)的相关危险因素进行单因素及多因素分析,探究可能延缓认知功能障
目的本研究采用队列研究方法,通过观察两种不同压力的高压氧治疗对弥漫性轴索损伤患者(Diffuse Axonal Injury,DAI)脑胼胝体压部和基底节区脑组织代谢情况及头部不同采样点脑