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仿佛等了千年,这如水的音乐飘然而至,浸漫着唐诗风韵。有江、有月,花枝颤动,衣袂飘摇。流淌的姿态,漫过岁月,漫过心海。一段紫竹,几声琵琶,手指轻灵,音韵袅娜而出,激起层层涟漪。夕阳西下,夜幕降临,江楼钟鼓催人回。“谁家今夜扁舟子?何处相思明月楼?”月上东山,花影层叠,一个是盼归的人儿在明月楼上凝眸远眺,一个是摇橹的人儿在茫茫烟波中乃归舟。江畔柳丝在夜风的吹拂下婆娑起舞,花草在微风的抚摸下含笑点头,桨搅碎了江中渔船的倒影,水波托着那荡漾的轻舟……水深云际,小船在摇曳着,音乐在摇曳着,江水在流淌着,乐韵在流淌着。洞箫呜咽,琵琶铮铮,胡琴咿呀,木鱼的笃,好一番浪花飞溅、洄澜拍岸的景象。听你,需阖双目,凝心神,于是,有云、有雨、有风、有月,有残星在天,有雁鸣声声,有渔火点点,有花影绰绰。灯影桨声中、荡漾的,是水,是舟,是随风飘来的一曲“渔歌唱晚”;孤帆碧空中,流淌的,是歌,是乐,是盼归的渔妇撩起的一池心湖涟漪。晚来风急,怎 As if waiting for a thousand years, which floated in the music of water, immersed in Tang poetry charm. A river, a month, flowering tremble, Yi Mei waved. Flowing attitude, diffuse years, diffuse heart sea. A section of Zizhu, a few pipa, finger Brisk, graceful music out of nineties, stirred layers of ripples. Sunset, the night falls, River House bell reminder back. “Who tonight boat? Where acacia Mingyue?” Moon on the East, overlapping layers of flowers, one is looking forward to children in the moon on the ground gaze on the distance, one is shaking the child in the vast wave of children is Return boat. Riverside Liu Si whirling under the breeze of the night wind, flowers in the gentle touch of the smile nodded, paddling the reflection of the fishing boats in the river, water waves holding that rippling canoe ... ... Deep water cloud, boats swaying, music In the swaying, the river is flowing, the music is flowing. Hole Xiao sobbing, clank clank, huqin ya Yeah, wooden fish Benedict, a good splash of spray, migratory Lan landsick scene. Listen to you, need to close both eyes, the heart of God, so there is clouds, rain, wind, a month, a residual star in the sky, there are wild goose sounds, there are fishing little bit, there are flowers Yingchao. Light paddle sound, rippling, water, is the boat, is the wind blowing a song “fishing song to sing night ”; Gailing blue sky, flowing, is the song, is music, is the hope of the women Lifted a pool of heart ripples. Late rush, how
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