
来源 :戏曲研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfklfgkffh
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以仪式戏剧形式出现的《公保多吉听法》,亦称《米拉日巴劝化记》,是一出在安多藏区流传较广、影响较大,深受广大藏族群众喜爱的羌姆形式的藏戏,它对安多藏戏的形成和发展具有重要的作用。据我们实地考察,每当各寺院举行宗教法会仪式或民间祭祀活动时,都要跳米拉日巴羌姆(亦称哈羌姆),这是一种由羌姆演化而来的有歌有舞有说有诵的短剧表演,可以说是羌姆与戏剧相融合的产物。“因为它在音乐、表演身段、舞蹈动作等方面,仍然承袭了寺院羌姆 The ”Public Security Dorje Sounds“, also known as ”Miradaya Exhortation“, which appears in the form of ceremonial drama, is a form of Qiang that has been widely spread, influential and deeply loved by the majority of Tibetan people in Amdo Tibetan area Tibetan opera, which plays an important role in the formation and development of Ando Tibetan opera. According to our field investigation, whenever the monasteries hold religious or ceremonial ceremonies or folk sacrificial activities, they all have to jump out of Laramy Bayam (also known as Haqam), a song evolved from Qiang Mu There are dancing and chanting skits, which can be said to be the product of Qiang Mu and drama. ”Because it is in the music, performance figure, dance moves, etc., still inherited the temple Qiang Mu
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