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漏油原因除分泵活塞皮碗磨损严重、拉伤、老化、损坏,泵体内孔磨损严重、拉伤,清洗、装配不干净,刹车油路或管路不清洁外,最常见的原因是:两刹车蹄与分泵接触端长短不等,刹车蹄偏心限位调节螺栓或刹车蹄偏心固定调节螺栓装配位置不正确,分泵两端活塞在泵体内不对称。引起两活塞在最内极端位置时,两皮碗偏内的一个与泵体油孔相遇(骑孔)。因此,当踩下刹车踏板,刹车总泵工作时,总泵送来的高压油不是进入两活塞皮碗中间密闭腔内使活塞外胀,推动刹车蹄外移,而是顶开骑孔的皮碗,导致高压油一部分进入腔内,另一部分从皮碗外侧溢出。这时,不 In addition to the reasons for oil spill piston pumpkin bowl wear and tear, strain, aging, damage, severe wear and tear of the pump bore, strain, cleaning, assembly is not clean, brake fluid or pipe is not clean, the most common reason is: The two brake shoes and the pump contact end length range, brake shoe eccentric limit adjustment bolt or brake shoe eccentric fixed adjusting bolt assembly position is not correct, both ends of the sub-pump piston in the pump body asymmetry. Caused by the two pistons in the most extreme position, the two bowls within a partial encounter with the pump hole (riding hole). Therefore, when depressing the brake pedal, brake master cylinder work, the high pressure oil sent from the master cylinder is not into the middle of the two piston cups in a closed chamber so that the piston outer expansion, pushing the brake shoe move, but the top open riding skin Bowl, resulting in part of the high-pressure oil into the cavity, the other part of the overflow from the outside of the cup. At this moment, no
今天,空中弥漫着白茫茫的雾气,草叶上、花瓣上、稻穗上都是露水。阳光照在露水上,露水成了闪亮的珍珠。 Today, the sky is full of white fog, grass leaves, petals, and
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