打造艺术特色 促进内涵发展

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丰南区青少年校外活动中心是区教育局直接领导的校外教育机构,是丰南区唯一一所公办、非赢利性质的校外教育培训基地,自开办以来得到了社会各界的好评,深得广大未成年人喜爱。活动中心以艺术教育为特色,坚持走内涵发展之路,在校外教育的领域中不断前行。一、健全组织机构,实施科学管理1.健全组织机构。活动中心设主任1名,专职教师人员6名。中心实行主任负责制,全盘负责中心行政、业务管理工作,并承担一切责任。活动中心根据工作需要,设置培训部、活动部和后勤部,均由专人负责。 Fengnan District Youth Center for Extra-curricular Activities is directly under the leadership of the District Board of Education outside the educational institutions, is the only one in Fengnan District public, non-profit nature of off-campus education and training base since its inception has been praised by all sectors of society, won the majority of Minors love. Activity center to art education as the characteristics, adhere to the connotation of development, continuous education in the field. First, improve the organizational structure, the implementation of scientific management 1. Improve the organizational structure. Activity center director 1, full-time teachers 6. Center implementation of the chief responsibility system, the overall responsibility for administrative center, business management, and assume all responsibility. Activities center according to the needs of the work, set up the training department, activity department and logistics department, are by the person responsible.
基于神经元网络的混凝土碳化预测,可以同时考虑多种碳化方式以及尽可能多的影响因素,使混凝土碳化预测的众多方法得到了统一,预测既灵活又准确。 Prediction of concrete carbo
早在1977年,邓小平就提出了“完整地准确地理解毛泽东思想”的命题。对待毛泽东思想应当这样,对待邓小平理论也应当这样。新年伊始,读到一 As early as 1977, Deng Xiaoping
作品介绍:用各种各样的材料给小树装扮,给小树穿上了漂亮的衣服,这是五彩树哦。 Introduction to the work: Use a variety of materials to dress the tree, put on the tr
With the support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China,the research team led by Prof.Wang YuJi