We present a list of living and (sub) fossil Ostracoda (Crustacea) from Holocene sediments from Lake NamCo,Southern Tibet, including descriptions, distribution and ecological data of the important taxa from the Nam Cocatchment. Species associations from lake surface sediments, sediment cores and outcrop samples consist of eight speciesincluding Candona candida ( O.F. Müller, 1776 ) , Candona xizangensis ( Huang, 1982 ) , Eucypris afghanistanensis( Hartmann, 1964) , Fabaeformiscandona danielopoli ( Yin & Martens, 1997 ) , Ilyocypris cf. mongolica ( Martens, 1991 ) ,? Leucocythere dorsotuberosa ( Huang, 1982 ) , Leucocytherella sinensis ( Huang, 1982 ) and Limnocythere inopinata ( Baird,1843). The dominant species are ? L. dorsotuberosa and L. sinensis. They show morphological variations with different degreesof ornamentation. We regard the variable noding and rib formation as intraspecific variability possibly driven byenvironmental factors. In general,the number and degree of ribs increases with water depth in ? L. dorsotuberosa. Thus,theornamentation may present a means to reconstruct(paleo) water depths. Our list is intended to serve as a taxonomical andpaleoecological primer for future paleolimnological work.
We present a list of living and (sub) fossil Ostracoda (Crustacea) from Holocene sediments from Lake NamCo, Southern Tibet, including descriptions, distribution and ecological data of the important taxa from the Nam Cocatchment. Species associations from lake surface sediments, sediment cores and outcrop samples consist of eight species including Candona candida (OF Müller, 1776), Candona xizangensis (Huang, 1982), Eucypris afghanistanensis (Hartmann, 1964), Fabaeformiscandona danielopoli (Yin & Martens, 1997), Ilyocypris cf. mongolica Leucocytherea dorsotuberosa (Huang, 1982), Leucocytherella sinensis (Huang, 1982) and Limnocythere inopinata (Baird, 1843). The dominant species are L. dorsotuberosa and L. sinensis. They show morphological variations with different degrees of ornamentation. regard the variable noding and rib formation as intraspecific variability probably driven by environmental factors. In general, the number and degree of ribs inc. Thus, the ornamentation may present a means to reconstruct (paleo) water depths. Our list is intended to serve as a taxonomical andpaleoecological primer for future paleolimnological work.