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本文观察了30个脑标本(60侧)三叉神经与脑底动脉的显微外科解剖关系,发现27根三叉神经有33次与脑底动脉接触,接触率为45%。27根神经中有6根有双重接触。与27根三叉神经接触的33根动脉中,17根为小脑上动脉,出现率为28.33±5.82%。7根为小脑下前动脉,出现率为11.67±4.15%。9根为小脑下中动脉,出现率为15.0±4.61%。与三叉神经接触的动脉中,以小脑上动脉的口径最粗,平均为1.41±0.20毫米。小脑下前动脉次之,平均为1.06±0.36毫米。小脑下中动脉最细,平均为0.62±0.14毫米。在17个脑中27根三叉神经的腹侧见有三叉动脉。它们发自基底动脉上段或中段。还在16根神经上见有来自小脑下前动脉、下中动脉和下后动脉的三叉支。其中有4例可见三叉支与三叉动脉吻合。讨论了三叉神经与脑底动脉的接触与三叉神经痛的关系。提出了与三叉神经接触的动脉不论从神经背侧或腹侧接触均可能是引起三叉神经痛的解剖学因素。小脑上动脉在三叉神经的背侧或背内侧与三叉神经接触,而小脑下前动脉和小脑下中动脉主要在三叉神经腹侧与之接触。此外在三叉神经腹侧还有三叉动脉和三叉支。这些神经血管的毗邻关系为神经外科医生提供了显微外科解剖学的参考资料。 In this paper, the microsurgical anatomy of the trigeminal nerve and the basilar artery of 30 brain specimens (60 sides) was observed. Twenty-seven trigeminal nerves were found to have 33 contact with the cerebral artery, with a contact rate of 45%. 6 of 27 nerves have double contact. Of the 33 arteries in contact with 27 trigeminal nerves, 17 were superior cerebellar arteries with an incidence rate of 28.33 ± 5.82%. Seven of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery, the incidence was 11.67 ± 4.15%. 9 for the inferior middle cerebral artery, the incidence was 15.0 ± 4.61%. In the artery in contact with the trigeminal nerve, the diameter of the superior cerebellar artery was the largest, averaging 1.41 ± 0.20 mm. The anterior inferior cerebellar artery was followed by an average of 1.06 ± 0.36 mm. The inferior cerebellar artery, the smallest, with an average of 0.62 ± 0.14 mm. Trigeminal artery was seen on the ventral side of the 27 trigeminal nerves in 17 brains. They originate in the upper or middle basilar artery. There are also 16 nerves seen from the anterior inferior cerebellar artery, the middle and lower posterior arteries of the trigeminal branch. Among them, 4 cases showed trigeminal branch anastomosis with the trigeminal artery. The relationship between trigeminal nerve and the cerebral artery and trigeminal neuralgia was discussed. It is suggested that the artery in contact with the trigeminal nerve may be an anatomical factor that causes trigeminal neuralgia regardless of whether it is in contact with the dorsal or ventral nerves of the nerve. The superior cerebellar artery contacts the trigeminal nerve on the dorsal or dorsal surface of the trigeminal nerve, while the inferior cerebellar artery and the inferior middle cerebral artery contact mainly on the ventral trigeminal nerve. In addition to the ventral trigeminal artery and trigeminal artery. The neurovascular proximity provides neurosurgeons with a reference to microsurgical anatomy.
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