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今年“五一”节前夕,商丘市梁园区隆重表彰全国劳模、“五一”劳动奖章获得单位、“五一”劳动奖章获得者以及职业道德建设先进集体和个人,“创争”活动先进集体和个人。商丘市总工会、梁园区区委、区人大、区政府、区政协、区委组织部、区委宣传部、区总工会和区直各单位,乡镇办事处主要负责同志参加了表彰大会。全区各单位采取多种形式,广泛开展向劳模学习的活动,商丘市电视台、有线台对宣传劳模事迹,弘扬劳模精神进行了系列报道,全区学劳模,弘扬劳模精神蔚然成风。乔彬,全国劳动模范,梁园区中州办事处解放村党委书记。该村在乔彬的带领下,被树为河南省社会主义市场经济条下迅速崛起的农村十个典型之一。2003年12月15日,中共中央总书、国家主席胡锦涛亲临该村视察。李阳,商丘市“五一劳动奖章”获得者,商丘市妇幼保健院主治医师。多年来,李阳致力于视经外科专业,使许多脑外伤、脑出血,脑肿瘤病人重新站起来,深受病人及家属好评。曾获市级科技成果二等奖两项,国家级论文6篇。盛巡,商丘市“五一劳动奖章”获得者,梁园区公路局局长,该局在盛巡的带领下,开拓奋进,团结进取,工作成绩位居全市公路系统第二名,夺取了省第八届好路杯竞赛“金杯县”,由落后跨入先进行列。范留顺,(?)章”获得者,梁园区教育工会副主席。他在教育改革,发展的过程中履行基本维护职责,为全区的教育事业做出积极贡献,他先后获得省优质课教师,全国优秀裁判员等。许新亮,(?)获得者,梁园区二秋宾馆经理。从1996年成立石湾陶瓷有限公司到2001年重组三秋宾馆至今先后安排下岗职工200多人,公司税金交纳逐年增长,累计百万元之多。 On the eve of May Day this year, Liangqiu District, Shangqiu City, solemnly praised the workers and staff members who won the national labor model, May 1 labor medal, May 1 labor medal, advanced collectives and individuals in professional ethics construction, And personal. Shangqiu City Federation of Trade Unions, Liangyuan District District Committee, District People’s Congress, the district government, the District Political Consultative Conference, the District Organization Department, District Party Committee Propaganda Department, District Federation of Trade Unions and units directly under the jurisdiction of the township offices of the main responsible comrades attended the commendation ceremony. The various units in the region took various forms to extensively carry out activities to learn from model workers. Shangqiu television stations and cable companies conducted a series of reports on propaganda of model workers and promotion of model workers spirit. The whole district learned model workers and carried forward the spirit of model workers. Qiao Bin, national model worker, Liangyuan District Zhongzhou Office Jiefang Village party secretary. Under the leadership of Qiao Bin, the village is set as one of the ten typical rural areas in Henan Province under the socialist market economy. December 15, 2003, CPC Central Committee General Secretary Hu Jintao personally visited the village. Li Yang, Shangqiu City, “May Day Medal,” winner, Shangqiu City, Maternal and Child Health Hospital attending physician. Over the years, Li Yang devoted himself to treating the many traumatic brain injuries, cerebral hemorrhage and brain tumor patients as he stood by the major of surgery. He was highly praised by patients and their families. Won the second prize of municipal science and technology achievement two, six national papers. Sheng Patrol, Shangqiu City “May Day Medal” winner, Liangyuan District Highway Bureau, the Bureau under the leadership of Sheng Pao, forging ahead, unity and progress, the results ranked second in the city’s highway system, won the provincial Eighth Cup contest “Jinbei County”, from backward into the advanced ranks. Fan Liushun, winner of the (?) Chapter, vice chairman of the Liang Yu District Education Union, performed basic maintenance duties during the education reform and development and made positive contributions to education in the region. He successively obtained provincial quality teachers, National outstanding referee, etc .. Xu Xinliang (?) Winner, Liangqiu District II autumn Hotel Manager. Shihwan Ceramics Co., Ltd. was established in 1996 until 2001 reorganization Sanqiu Hotel has arranged for laid-off workers more than 200 people, the company’s tax payment increased year by year , A total of millions of dollars.
读万卷书,行万里路。暑假欢乐行,你看到了什么?体验了什么?作了什么科学探究了吗?欢迎来稿,和全国的读者分享你的科学探究经历。 read more, walk more. What are you seein
11月10日,中国正式入世。中国的历史开始成为世界的历史。 毛泽东同志在《中国革命战争的战略问题》一文中,有过一个经典的论述:“战争的规律——这是任何指导战争的人不能