面向实际办好 教材教法班

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我院是1972年复校的。十年来,我们在举办系统进修的同时,坚持从中学实际和教师实际出发,举办各种形式的教材教法班,要求逐步提高,内容不断充实,对提高中学师资水平起了一定的作用。我们南京市原来已有一支具有一定水平和相当规模的中学教师队伍,但由于十年浩劫,这支队伍的质量大大下降了,远远不能适应教学工作的要求。复校之初,针对大量高、初中毕业生充任新教师的状况,我们办教材教法班的目的,主要是帮助各科教师超前备课,让他们了解教材的教学要求,明确重点难点,有的就是逐字逐句逐章逐篇 Our school was re-established in 1972. In the past ten years, while we were conducting systematic studies, we insisted on starting from the reality of middle school and the actual conditions of teachers to hold various forms of teaching materials and teaching classes. We have asked for gradual improvement, enriched content, and played a role in improving the level of teachers in secondary schools. We originally had a high school teacher team with a certain level and considerable scale in Nanjing. However, due to the catastrophes of the decade, the quality of this team has greatly declined and it is far from meeting the requirements of teaching work. At the beginning of re-schooling, aiming at the situation of a large number of high and junior high school graduates as new teachers, we have to do the purpose of teaching and teaching classes, mainly to help teachers in all subjects to prepare lessons in advance so that they can understand the teaching requirements of the teaching materials and clarify the key difficulties. It is word by word, sentence by sentence
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