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广平县机械厂是1958年建厂的县办国有企业。1992年以前是以生产脱粒机、挂车为主,年产值不足3000万元,利税200万元。1993年该厂瞄准市场搞开发,自力更生搞创新,生产农用运输车,这一产品的开发,为该厂插上了腾飞的翅膀。在连续四年翻番的基础上,今年1—8月份该厂完成工业总产值1.83亿元、实现利税1440万元,分别比上年同期增长53.7%、18.6%。该厂的成功之路主要是坚持贯彻了“瞄准市场,找准位置,多种机制,滚动发展”十六字方针。 Guangping County Machinery Factory is a 1958 county-run state-owned enterprises. Before 1992, the production of thresher, trailer-based, with an annual output value of less than 30 million yuan, profits and taxes 200 million. In 1993 the plant aimed at the market to engage in development, self-reliance and innovation, production of agricultural vehicles, the development of this product, for the plant to take off the wings. On the basis of doubling for four years in a row, from January to August this year, the factory completed a total industrial output value of 183 million yuan and realized profits and taxes of 14.4 million yuan, up 53.7% and 18.6% over the same period of previous year respectively. The success of the plant mainly adhere to the “target of the market, identify the location, a variety of mechanisms, rolling development,” the principle of the word.
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申请(专利)号:93118848.2用完水后不关闭阀门和阀门的机械性跑冒滴漏,是浪费用水的主要现象;记忆 Application (Patents) No .: 93118848.2 run out of water does not shut
盛夏即临,山东枣庄供电公司为全面做好电网迎峰度夏工作,确保电网安全稳定运行,加强对电网运行设备的检测、维护和技术改造,使电网设备始终处于健康运行状态。 As summer co
请求精神损害赔偿的范围越来越大,提出的索赔数额越来越高 ●因医疗纠纷到法院起诉的损害赔偿案件越来越多 ●劳动争议案件近几年呈上升趋势 ●婚姻家庭纠纷案出现非法同居、
高速工业化、城市化、人口爆炸正在给我们的自然资源和环境带来难以想象的巨大压力。同时 ,地球也正面临着无法承受的考验 :森林面积锐减 ,水土流失加剧 ,农业资源退化 ,全球
当庭认证、当庭宣判是庭审方式改革所提出的目标要求,也是当前我们在推进庭审方式改革中感到最难运作的两个环节。 所谓当庭认证,是指具体审判活动中,法官对于诉讼当事人在法庭
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