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“如果不是校医及时给我清洗、包扎伤口,我的头现在不知道会怎样……”揉着自己依旧缠着绷带但行动无碍的后脑勺,林峰脸上是幸运的微笑。那天体育课上踢足球,林峰在抢球过程中不小心绊倒,仰面摔倒在地,一块碎玻璃片直插入后脑勺,顿时血流不止……他当即失去了知觉,同学将他送到学校医务室,幸好唯一的校医刘医生动作麻利,赶紧替他清理伤口,才免除了因时间拖延而造成无法想象的后果。林峰是幸运的,而与他同龄的张云,却因为就诊时间耽搁,在死亡边缘徘徊了一次。 “If the school doctor didn’t promptly clean and bandage the wounds for me, my head didn’t know what it would be like...” “Rolling on the back of the head where he’s still wrapped in bandages but not hindered, Lin Feng’s face is fortunate enough to smile.” On the day when he played football in a physical education class, Lin Feng accidentally stumbled in the process of stealing the ball. He fell to the ground on his back. A broken piece of glass was inserted directly into the back of the head and suddenly the blood flowed... He immediately lost consciousness and the classmate sent him to the school. In the infirmary, fortunately, the only school doctor, Dr. Liu, was acting in a hurry. He quickly cleaned up the wounds for him, so as to avoid the unimaginable consequences caused by time delays. Lin Feng is fortunate, but Zhang Yun, who is of the same age as him, has been on the verge of death because of delays in visiting the doctor.
孩子要聪明,运动两只手。下面三则手指游戏是根据幼儿好动、好模仿等特点创编的,既有趣味性又使幼儿在玩中获得知识。孩子们百玩不厌。 Children should be smart and exer
The computer is now more popular in our lives. Many families have computers. Look! Children are having computer lessons. Adults are working with the computers.
消费者若遭受到电视购物的侵害,只要巧妙运用法律规定,才能解决自身遭遇的困局。 If consumers suffer from the television shopping infringement, as long as clever use
【摘 要】作文教学一直是语文教师最棘手、最伤脑的课题,学生更视作文为“负担”、“痛苦”、“折磨”、“大不幸”。笔者在平时的教学实践中大胆倡导快乐作文,让学生观察生活,感悟生活,放飞想象力,并及时反馈信息,正确评定成绩,让作文插上快樂的翅膀,学生写作逐步变成一种乐趣,一种享受,一种惬意。  【关键词】快乐作文 写作指导 积极性    一、捕捉生活亮点,拨动学生情感  “一粒沙里见世界,半瓣花上说人情
和谐统一的室内设计,有如文章写作,有主有次。现代的简约装饰风格与各种设计手法的和谐运用,无一不让人心旷神怡,流连忘返。 Harmonious interior design, such as article
海尔集团是中国著名的家电企业 ,1 999年实现销售收入 2 1 5亿元。面对海尔平均每年 81 .6%的惊人增长速度 ,世界著名的哈佛大学教授认为海尔是一个奇迹。在创造这个奇迹的海
By using the uptodate temperatuer-stress testing machine,the thermal expansion coefficient of concrete at early ages was studied and indicative conclusions were