
来源 :云南政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:prettyxu
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一、本届政府面临五大难题 (一)“两烟”面临严峻形势 “两烟”是云南财政经济的支柱,为云南的经济发展、财政增收作出了巨大贡献。但是,烤烟已出现供大于求的状况。到去年底,我省烤烟超正常库存已够我省三年的卷烟生产需要。去年,部分县级烟草公司、企业出现亏损,亏损面达17%,出现了农民报喜、财政报捷、烟草企业报忧的局面。今年,中央加大烤烟的宏观调控力度,下达我省的烤烟收购计划减少了近一半。由于烤烟限产,全省地县财政将减收14亿元,农民减少收入40亿元。卷烟发展受限。从1996年起,国家下达我省的卷烟生产计划已经连续两年减少,1997年,全省“两烟”实现的税利首次出现了负增长,比上年减少了10亿元。“两烟”是我省财政支柱,当前“两烟”发展中出现的问题,造成的财政减收是任何其他行业、产业都无法弥补的。 I. The Five Challenges Faced by the Current Government (I) “Two Cigarettes ” Face Severe Situation “Two Cigarettes ” is the pillar of Yunnan’s financial economy and made great contributions to Yunnan’s economic development and fiscal revenue. However, there has been oversupply in flue-cured tobacco. By the end of last year, the province’s tobacco inventory exceeded our normal three-year cigarette production needs. Last year, some county-level tobacco companies and enterprises suffered losses and losses of 17%. As a result, farmers reported good news, financial reports were made and tobacco companies reported their worries. This year, the central government stepped up the macro-control of tobacco control, and the plan for purchasing flue-cured tobacco issued to our province decreased by nearly half. Due to the limited production of flue-cured tobacco, the prefectural and county governments in the entire province will reduce their revenues by 1.4 billion yuan and their peasants will reduce their income by 4 billion yuan. Cigarette development is limited. Since 1996, the cigarette production plan issued by the state to our province has been reduced for two consecutive years. In 1997, for the first time, the tax revenue realized by the province’s “two cigarettes” registered a negative growth, a decrease of 1 billion yuan over the previous year. “Two cigarettes ” is the financial pillar of our province, the current “two cigarettes ” development problems caused by the financial reduction is any other industry, industry can not make up.
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