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来日本生活三年多了,现在在一家化工机械公司里工作,我主要是负责对中国输出的业务及翻译。刚来时语言不通,情况不熟,我先找了一家中国饭馆洗碗盤,想利用这机会学习日语。想不到工作起来十分紧张,有时连擦汗的工夫都没有,根本没有机会讲话。一个月後,我又找了一家生产电气零件的公司。这里使用计算机程序控制设备。我想,自己在国内的机械厂里干了十几年,到这里总不会什么都不懂吧。开始,一切都不错,特别是经过一段时间努力,又掌握了一些零件加工的程序设计,心里很高兴。可是由於公司产品的销路有了问题,资金周转困难,最後到了无法开支的地步,所以只好另找出路。 To live in Japan for more than three years now working in a chemical machinery company, I am mainly responsible for the export of business and translation of China. When the first language barrier, the situation is unfamiliar, I first look for a Chinese restaurant dishwashing, would like to take this opportunity to learn Japanese. I can not think of working very nervous, and sometimes even wipe the sweat did not have no chance to speak. A month later I looked for a company that made electrical parts. Here use the computer program control equipment. I think I worked in the domestic machinery factory for more than ten years, and I will never know anything here. At first, everything was good. Especially after a period of hard work, I mastered the programming of some parts and I was very happy. However, due to the company’s sales of products have problems, cash flow difficulties, and finally to the point where they can not afford, so had another find a way out.
After he retired.Li Chengtao spent 10 yearson copying more than 900 masterpiecesoriginally by about 250 Chinese calligraphersof past dynasties over more than 1
2009年7月31日,“第七届中国大学生最佳雇主调查报告”在北京发布,安利(中国)日用品有限公司从4000多家参选企业中脱颖而出,继 July 31, 2009, “The seventh China Univer
On Qingming Festival in last April whenChinese people visited tombs of their beloved,Francois Yank, his wife and other familymembers traveled all the way from