2011地产预言年终盘点 市场判定孰对孰错

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调控政策能否发挥作用?楼市究竟能否出现拐点?房价会不会下降?这些都是年初业界众多争议的焦点话题。年终岁未,我们选取了2011年国内一些房地产界意见领袖和经济学家、政府官员的观点,以时下的楼市情况对照他们年初对于楼市预测,盘点谁是“最靠谱”的人……政府官员国务院总理温家宝:保障房开工1000万套调控绝不动摇国务院总理温家宝2011年3月5日在十一届全国人大四次会议上作政府工作报告时强调,一是进一步扩大保障性住房建设规模。今年要再开工建设保障性住房、棚户区改造住房共1000万套,改造农村危房150万户。二是进一步落实和完善房地产市场调控政策,坚决遏制部分城市房价过快上涨势头。当前市场状况:住房城乡建设部11月10曰公布,截至10月底,全国城镇保障性安居工程开工已超过1000万套,实现了年初计划的目标任务。中国国务院总理温家宝2011年11月6日在俄罗斯圣彼得堡表示,中国下调房价是国家坚定的政策,调控后的房价将使民众能够接受,也使房地产业健康有序发展。 Regulatory policies can play a role? Whether the property market turning point can appear? Housing prices will drop? These are the beginning of the industry many controversial topics. Year-end year-end is not yet, we select some domestic real estate sector in 2011 some opinion leaders and economists, government officials point of view, with the current situation of the property market contrast to their predictions for the beginning of the year, inventory who is “the most reliable” people ... ... Government officials Premier Wen Jiabao: 10 million sets of affordable housing starts to be undermined Premier Wen Jiabao made a statement on government work at the Fourth Session of the 11th NPC on March 5, 2011. First, we should further expand the coverage of affordable housing Construction scale. This year we should start to build affordable housing again, and renovate a total of 10 million housing units in shantytowns to transform 1.5 million dilapidated houses in rural areas. Second, to further implement and improve the real estate market regulation and control policies, and resolutely curb the trend of excessive housing prices in some cities. The current market conditions: housing Urban and Rural Construction Ministry announced on November 10, as of the end of October, the national urban construction of affordable housing has more than 10 million units to achieve the goal of the beginning of the plan. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said on Nov. 6, 2011 in St. Petersburg, Russia that China’s housing price cut is a firm national policy. The adjusted housing prices will enable the public to accept it and enable the real estate industry to develop healthily and orderly.
美国(US)住房开工数量再次下降。根据美国商务部(US Departmentof Commerce)的数据,2011年5月,56万套(经季节性调整后的年率)注册。比去年5月的开工数量低3.4%。市场上抵押房
为了用计算机对传感器数据的瞬态演化进行建模,提出了定性趋势分析(Qualitative Trend Analysis,QTA),趋势是基于三种基元:{不变,上升,下降},用这三个基元组合的七种形状来描