
来源 :实验科学与技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:herirong
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《实验科学与技术》2004年编委会全会于6月18日至20日在重庆邮电学院召开,西南地区部分高教主管部门领导、编委、全会工作人员和部分科技企业代表参加了会议。18日上午9时,全会开幕式正式开始。重庆邮电学院聂能院长首先讲话,他对来宾和代表表示热烈欢迎,预祝全会圆满成功,接着他又简要地介绍了重庆邮电学院近几年建设发展的情况。重庆市教委高教处张宗华副处长、重庆大学唐一科副校长、电子科技大学罗正祥副校长等在讲话中深情地回顾了西南地区高校18年合作办刊的历史,殷切嘱咐大家要继续发扬互相理解、互相支持的优良传统,群策群力,把刊物办出水平,办出特色,争取早日成为国家的核心期刊。陈家祥代表编辑部汇报了2003年1月以来的工作,对今后一年的工作提 Experimental Science and Technology 2004 Plenary Session of the Editorial Board was held at Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications from June 18 to June 20, and some leaders, editorial board members, members of plenary sessions and some scientific and technological enterprises of some higher education administrations in southwest China attended the conference. At 9:00 on the 18th, the plenary opening ceremony officially began. President NIE Neng of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications first made a speech. He extended a warm welcome to guests and representatives and wished the plenary session a complete success. Then he briefly introduced the construction and development of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications in recent years. Zhang Zonghua, deputy director of the Higher Education Department of Chongqing’s Education Commission, deputy director of Tang Yi Branch of Chongqing University and vice president Luo Zhengxiang of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, in his speech, profoundly reviewed the history of 18 years of cooperation and operation of colleges and universities in Southwest China and earnestly urged everyone to continue to promote mutual understanding , Support each other’s fine traditions, work together, put journals out of level, do a distinctive, strive for an early become the country’s core journals. Chen Jiaxiang, on behalf of the editorial department, reported the work since January 2003 and gave suggestions on the work to be carried out in the coming year
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音乐课需要我们从教学环节、教学方式、教学重点、教学目标等激发学生课堂学习兴趣,让学生在快乐的音乐课堂中感受音乐的美、歌曲的吸引力。成就学生在自在课堂中享受学习的乐趣,感受快乐的学习氛围。真正体现音乐学科的魅力、展现音乐学科的独特性。  【关键词】自在课堂;在成长;音乐课堂  自在,就是内心得意、舒适、开心、顺畅。自在学习,是一种态度,学习是一种生活方式,学习是快乐而充满挑战的。自在课堂,就是心情轻
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我市在实施初级卫生保健(简称初保)工作中,总结了以往的工作经验,确立了以乡(街)为单位,实行“典型示范、分类指导”的工作方法,全面推动了初保工作的快速发展。1 以乡(街)