Synthesis of Ni/Mg/Al Layered Double Hydroxides and Their Use as Catalyst Precursors in the Preparat

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoyanmeimei
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Ni/Mg/Al layered double hydroxides(LDHs) with different n(Ni)∶n(Mg)∶n(Al) ratio values were prepared via a coprecipitation reaction. Then Ni/Mg/Al mixed oxides were obtained by calcination of these LDHs precursors. Carbon nanotubes were produced in the catalytic decomposition of propane over the Ni/Mg/Al mixed oxide catalysts. The quality of as-made nanotubes was investigated by SEM and TEM. The nanotubes were multiwall with a high length-diameter ratio and appeared to be flexible. The catalytic activities of these mixed oxides increased with increasing the Ni content. The Ni/Mg/Al mixed oxide with the highest Ni content [n(Ni)/n(Mg)/n(Al)=1/1/1] showed the highest activity and the carbon nanotubes grown on its surface had the best quality. Ni / Mg / Al layered double hydroxides (LDHs) with different n (Ni): n (Mg): n (Al) ratio values ​​were prepared via a coprecipitation reaction. Then Ni / Mg / Al mixed oxides were obtained by calcination of these Carbon nanotubes were produced in the catalytic decomposition of propane over the Ni / Mg / Al mixed oxide catalysts. The quality of as-made nanotubes was investigated by SEM and TEM. The nanotubes were multiwall with a high length-diameter ratio and The catalytic activities of these mixed oxides increased with increasing the Ni content. The Ni / Mg / Al mixed oxide with the highest Ni content [n (Ni) / n (Mg) / n (Al) 1/1] showed the highest activity and the carbon nanotubes grown on its surface had the best quality.
眼外伤在部队较为常见,若延误治疗,常引起严重后果,甚致致盲。为分析致盲原因,减少致盲率,笔者就我院收治的325例眼外伤伤员,做一统计分析。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 325
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