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四家《诗》俱兴起于汉初,均立博士于文、景之际,其于两汉《诗》学史甚至经学史影响至钜。在汉人重要文献中,《毛诗》一直未被标属古文,但《毛诗》应属于古文经学的系统,断乎无疑。西汉武、昭、宣、元、成、哀诸帝咸习《鲁》、《齐》、《韩诗》,以此强有力地推动了三家《诗》的极大普及,提高了三家《诗》的学术、政治地位。从昭、元、成、哀学《诗》的取捨看,三家《诗》的地位在西汉是没有高低之别的。《齐诗》学派因与新莽政权合作,自身带有神秘色彩,又偏重《礼》学,故在东汉渐趋衰落。《鲁诗》学派始终具有严谨的学风,注重气节,敢于在新莽之时公然不与执政者合作,在各派中较为突出,故在东汉受到执政者的青睐。《韩诗》的特色在于兼重《易》学,酷爱谶纬数术,以及在说经上侧重兴发,最能迎合社会、儒林的趣味和需要,因而在东汉具有广泛的群众基础。《毛诗》在两汉今、古文斗争中虽然长期不占主导地位,实际上却是这个历史时期经学两大派别斗争中最大的成功者。特别在东汉一代,《毛诗》发展一直呈上升趋势,略分两系齐头并进,一系是谢曼卿、卫宏、贾徽、贾逵、许慎,一系是郑兴、郑众。两系发展至马融、郑玄,一作《毛诗传》,一作《毛诗笺》,最大程度上完善了《毛诗》的解经体系,三家《诗》此后则相继消亡。 All four “poems” originated in the early Han Dynasty. Both Dr. Li Yuwen and King Jing were influenced by the history of “Poetry” in the Han and Han Dynasties. In the important Chinese literature, “Mao Poetry” has not been labeled as classical, but the “Mao Poetry” should belong to the system of ancient classics, almost no doubt. In the Western Han Dynasty, Wu, Zhao, Xuan, Yuan, Cheng and Mo dwells saluted “Lu”, “Qi” and “Han poetry” in order to strongly promote the great popularity of the three “poems” Academic, political status. From Zhao, Yuan, Cheng, sorrow study “Poem” choice, the three “poem” status in the Western Han Dynasty is no difference between high and low. Due to its cooperation with the Shin Mang regime, the “Qi poetry” school has its own mystery and emphasis on “ceremony”, so it gradually declined in the Eastern Han Dynasty. The “Lu poetry” school always has a rigorous style of study, pay attention to integrity, dare to openly not at the time of reckless cooperation with the ruling party, more prominent in the factions, it is the Eastern Han Dynasty favored by the rulers. The characteristic of “Han poetry” is that it has a broad mass base in the Eastern Han Dynasty, because it emphasizes the study of Yi-ology and its love of latitude and longitude. It focuses on the development of social harmony and Rulin. Although Mao Zedong did not dominate for a long time in the Han and Han Dynasties and in the ancient prose, it is in fact the biggest winner in the struggles of the two schools of Confucian classics in this historical period. Especially in the Eastern Han dynasties, the development of “Mao Poetry” has been on an upward trend. The two systems are divided into two parts: Xie Manqing, Wei Hong, Jia Hui, Jia Xun and Xu Shen. Two lines developed to Ma Rong, Zheng Xuan, a work of “Mao Shi Chuan”, a “Mao Shi Jian”, to the greatest extent, improve the “Mao Shi” system of interpretation of the system, the three “Poems” have died one after another.
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小清河一曲尚未唱完,就被虎啸天大声喝断。两个胡子冲到石台上,不由分说把他捆起来,如同待屠宰的豬一样,吊到山洞前的槐树上。虎啸天脱下一只鞋,照着小清河脸上拍下去,小清河眼睛顿时模糊起来。  那一年小清河十六岁。家里为省下一张吃饭嘴,把小清河送到戏班子学戏。那时戏文没有唱本,全凭口口相传,小清河脑子灵活记性好,不到三个月的时间,熟悉了五十余段蹦蹦戏。也是初生牛犊不怕虎,他经常替代师兄弟们接单。这次进山