
来源 :国外医学(皮肤性病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yahved
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皮肤癣菌可存在于公共浴池、游泳池的地板和家庭的尘埃中,且很容易粘附在皮肤角质层表面,但几乎所有菌丝均可能从角质层表面自动地或受机械外力而脱落。感染的发生首先应为皮肤癣菌侵入角质层。要防止皮肤癣菌病,确定皮肤癣菌侵入角质层的最短时间就显得重要了,该文以须癣毛癣菌菌丝制成悬液,模拟正常生活的条件,确定其侵入人类角质层的最短时间以对该病的预防提供参考依据。 Dermatophytes can be found in public baths, pool floors and household dust, and can easily adhere to the surface of the cuticle of the skin, but almost all of the mycelium can fall off the surface of the stratum corneum, either automatically or mechanically. The first occurrence of infection should dermatophytes invade the stratum corneum. To prevent dermatophytosis, to determine the minimum period of dermatophytes invasion of the stratum corneum appears to be important, this article to Trichophyton mentagrophytes mycelium suspension made to simulate the conditions of normal life, to determine its invasion into the human stratum corneum The shortest time to provide a reference for the prevention of the disease.
The controlling step and the extraction reaction rate equation of zinc extraction from Zn(Ⅱ)-NH 3 solution by using a newly synthesized organic compound, 2-ace
Objective: The elicitation of an evoked potential, the ’ error negativity’ (Ne) when subjects commit errors in speeded tasks, is often taken as an index of re
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春天,大田开始翻地播种的时候,菜园子里的春菜也该上市热卖了。大人们只顾忙着大田里的活计,卖春菜的事,自然就落到了我们十多岁小孩子的身上。  赶上放假,娘叫我和生子、小五一起去卖春菜。生子、小五都是我的邻居、伙伴。娘说,路远,你们结个伴,有事儿,互相照料着,大人们也放心。  第二天,娘早早地起来,到园子里去拔菜。装好菜以后,我和生子、小五,就骑着自行车,到十里外的城里去卖。  卖菜还是挺高兴的事,挣