
来源 :保险研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baolm
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提示:本案是保险人与被保险人在签定保险合同时,就保险责任与保险费率作出特别约定的案件,但法院判决时确认“约定”无效,并自造“法律条款”内容作依据,这是违法的,应当引起关注。一、案情简介1995年5月9日,江苏省高淳县杨某与保险公司签订船舶保险合同,并... Hint: This case is a case in which the insurer and the insured, when signing the insurance contract, make a special agreement about the insurance liability and premium rate. However, the court confirmed that the “agreement” was invalid and based on the content of the “legal provisions” This is illegal and deserves attention. First, the case profile May 9, 1995, Gaochun County, Jiangsu Province, Yang and insurance companies signed a ship insurance contract, and ...
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