
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bright202
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張立珍是吉林檢樹聯正業村的党支部書記。一九五○年,他因為学習得好,又能带動幹部、群衆学習,被选為东北區出席全國第一次工農教育会議的代表;这幾年来他还是一鼓勁兒推勘農村教育工作,因而一九五四年再一次被选出席全國第一次農民業餘文化教育会議,並成為大会上最受注意的模範人物之一。一九五○年張立珍在北京參加全國工業教育会議時親眼看見了敬愛的毛主席,又明白了政府对農民業餘文化教育的方針、政策,搞民校的勁头就更足了。他一回到村子裏,就跟党支部的同志,檢查了民校的工作。大家認識到,过去民校雖然搞出不少成積,但是和生產工作还有一定的矛盾。因此,便决定把文化学習靈活地圍繞着生產來進行,能集中的便在民校学習,集中困难的便分散学習;平常集中学習,農忙時分散学習;平常学習功課,農忙時着重複習;在一年地農最忙的幾段時間,便把学習暫且放一放。為了適应大家不同的情况,除了民校集中学習以外,还組織了地头小組、夫農小組、妯娌小組,並運用識字牌、看圖識字等多种多樣 Zhang Li Zhen Jilin Jiashi village is the party branch secretary. In 1950, due to his good study and his ability to lead cadres and the masses, he was chosen as the representative of Northeast China to attend the first conference of workers and peasants in education in the country. In recent years, he has been pushing forward rural education Therefore, in 1954, he was again elected to attend the first peasant amateur culture and education conference in the country and became one of the most prominent exemplary figures at the conference. When Zhang Lizhen attended the National Industrial Education Conference in Beijing in 1950, he personally saw his beloved Chairman Mao and understood that the government’s guidelines and policies on amateur cultural education for peasants and the strength of the Civilian Institute were all sufficient. When he returned to the village, he just told the party branch comrades to check the work of the school. We all realize that in the past, although the School of Civil Engineering made a lot of achievements, there was still some contradiction with the production work. Therefore, we decided to take cultural studies as a flexible way of doing production. When we were able to focus our studies, we could concentrate on studying at schools for private schools and decentralized study on the basis of concentration. We usually concentrated on study and decentralized study while we were busy. In one of the busiest days of farming, we put the study for a while. In order to adapt to different situations, in addition to the centralized study of civilian schools, we also organized various groups of land-based groups, husband and wife groups, and wandering groups, using literacy cards and drawing and reading characters
本文简要介绍了TigerSHARC DSP(TS201)和EZ-USB FX2的性能特点,并给出了二者进行数据通信的解决方案。此方案为DSP扩展了一个USB2.0接口,能够完成PC与DSP之问的高速数据传输