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尽管说在《老子》一书中很早就提出“五色令人目盲”,但从现今留存的作品实物见,从战国而秦、汉,直至魏晋,中国画一直是以五彩缤纷的色彩为主,《晋书·顾恺之传》称赞他是“尤善丹青,图写特妙。”丹(砂)青也由原先的泛指绘画颜色,而成为绘画艺术的代词或别称。至隋、唐、五代、两宋,文人画兴起,在黑白中求变化的水墨由与丹青并驾齐驱而逐渐形成绘画主流,以重彩为主要手段的丹青则主要仍以绝大多数未留下姓名的众工为作者群,和以壁画为主要形式载体而流传。尽管说在这期间的画史上也不时闪出几位以工笔重彩著称的画家,但与那众多以水墨 Although it is said in “Lao Zi” that “five-color mesmerizingly” has been put forward very early, from the kind of works preserved today, from the Qin and Han dynasties in the Warring States period to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Chinese painting has been dominated by colorful colors, “Biography of Jin and Gu Kaei” praised him as “particularly good at painting and writing specialties.” Dan (sand) Qing also became a pronoun or alias of the art of painting from the original color of painting. To the Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties and Song Dynasties, the rise of literati painting, seeking change in black and white ink and painting along with Dan gradually formed the main stream of painting, with color as the main means of Dan is still the vast majority did not leave a name The workmen spread for the author community and murals as the main form of carrier. Although in the history of painting during this period from time to time also flashed several painterly famous painter, but with so many ink
一 主体胜利了?rn人类纪[Anthropocene]可分为两种,哲学意义上和地质学意义上的.从地质学视角看,这一概念在2000年由生态学家尤金·斯托莫[Eugene Stoermer]和保罗·克鲁岑[P
You are who you are.The earlier in life you accept this and get on with it,the easier and sweeter you shall live out your days.Difference means good.So if you a