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2002年11月1日,美国华盛顿地区联邦法院作出裁决,对微软公司与美国政府及9个州达成的和解协议的主要内容表示认可,同时驳回另外9个州要求对微软进行更严厉处罚的要求。根据和解协议,微软将面对至少为期5年的惩罚性措施。这些措施包括微软不能达成有害于其他竞争者的垄断贸易,应允许电脑制造商自由选择视窗桌面,向其他软件开发商开放部分内核技术,使微软的竞争者也能在视窗操作系统上编写应用程序等。遭到如此严厉的处罚,仍有9个州还嫌不够,微软究竟做错了什么?美国的反垄断官司曾发生过多起。在以往的官司中,诉讼的对象都是通过兼并或联合等方式造成垄断的。而微软的 On November 1, 2002, the United States District Court for the District of Washington made its ruling to recognize the main contents of the settlement reached between Microsoft and the U.S. government and nine states, while dismissing the requests of the other nine states for tougher penalties on Microsoft . Under the settlement agreement, Microsoft will face at least five years punitive measures. These include Microsoft’s inability to reach monopolistic trade that is detrimental to other competitors, allowing computer makers the freedom to choose Windows desktops, opening up some of the kernel technology to other software developers and enabling Microsoft competitors to write applications on Windows operating systems Wait. After such severe punishment, there are still 9 states that are still not enough. What exactly did Microsoft do wrong? There have been many anti-trust lawsuits in the United States. In the previous lawsuits, the objects of litigation were monopolized by mergers and alliances. And Microsoft’s
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这—案件以极端的形式凸显了我国法制建设的不足,这种不足集中体现在缺乏对公权力有效的监督制约方面。 This case highlights the inadequacy of the legal construction i