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加强民兵预备役部队基层建设,全面提高国防后备力量建设质量,对于贯彻落实党的十六大精神,推进国防和军队现代化,具有十分重要的意义 军委、总部及军区对抓好民兵、预备役部队基层建设历来十分重视,广州军区提出了“军师重点抓旅团,依靠旅团抓基层”的大思路。就省军区系统而言,贯彻这一思路,省军区、军分区、预备役师(旅)以上领导机关应重点抓好县(市 区)人武部和预备役团等“一线指挥部”建设,着力提高其抓基层的能力素质,积极创造良好条件,紧紧依靠他们抓好基层各项工作的落实,努力促进国防后备力量建设的新发展 Strengthening the grass-roots construction of the militia and reserve forces and comprehensively improving the quality of the national defense reserve forces are of great significance in implementing the spirit of the party’s 16th National Congress and advancing the modernization of the national defense and the armed forces. The military committees, It has always attached great importance to the great wisdom of the Guangzhou Military Region that “military officers should focus on brigade groups and rely on brigade groups to grasp the grassroots level.” As far as the provincial military region system is concerned, in order to implement this principle, the leading organs above the provincial military region, the military subregion, and the reserve division (brigade) should focus their efforts on the construction of “first-line headquarters” like the Armed Police Forces and the Reserve Corps in counties (cities) They should grasp the ability and quality of grass-roots units and actively create good conditions. They should rely on them to do a good job in implementing various tasks at the grass-roots level and strive to promote the new development of national defense reserve forces.
河北省肃宁电力局坚持三个“延伸”,打造文明供电所,以文明创建为突破口,推动示范窗口建设。目前,全 The Suning Power Bureau of Hebei Province insisted on three “exte
公司派人到全国各地进行打假活动,收缴了几千双假冒奥康皮鞋。1999年,在杭州武林门当年火烧劣质温州鞋的地方,我亲自点燃一把雪耻之火,将2000多双假冒奥康鞋烧为灰烬 The co