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习近平总书记在“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛开幕式演讲中表示,经过四年的发展“一带一路”建设逐渐从理念转化为行动,从愿景转变为现实,建设成果丰硕。为进一步响应习总书记讲话及有关会议精神,将国家战略与学术研究紧密结合,近日,由华东师范大学国际问题研究所主办的“一带一路”与中亚跨学科研究会议在华东师范大学召开。会议旨在通过不同学科之间的学术交流推动“一带一路”跨学科的研究。华东师大国际问题研究所陆钢所长主持会议。中国科学院王铮研究员、上海社科院胡键研究员、华东师大生态学专业蔡永立教授、上海语文学会会长胡范铸教授、华东师大国际汉语教师研修基地张建民教授、华东师大地理信息专业朱良峰教授、华东师大文科发展中心刘进教授、华东师大图书馆李欣副馆长和华东师大地理学院陈睿山教授等十几位不同学科领域的专家学者出席研讨会并展开了热烈的讨论。 In his speech at the opening ceremony of the “Belt and Road Initiative,” President Xi Jinping said that after four years of development, the “Belt and Road” construction has gradually shifted from ideas to actions and from vision to reality and has achieved fruitful results. In order to further respond to General Secretary Xi’s speech and the spirit of the conference, the national strategy and academic research are closely integrated. Recently, the “Belt and Road Initiative” sponsored by the Institute of International Studies at East China Normal University and the Inter-disciplinary Research Conference for Central Asia at East China Normal University Held. The purpose of the conference is to promote “inter-disciplinary” research on “the Belt and Road” through academic exchange among different disciplines. Mr. Lu Gang, director of International Studies Institute of East China Normal University, presided over the meeting. Professor Wang Zheng from Chinese Academy of Sciences, researcher Hu Jian from Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Professor Cai Yongli from Ecology Major of East China Normal University, Professor Hu Fanzhu from Shanghai Language and Literature Institute, Professor Zhang Jianmin from East China Normal University International Chinese Teachers Training Center, Professor Zhu Liangfeng from East China Normal University , Professor Liu Jin of East China Normal University Cultural Development Center, Vice Director Li Xin of East China Normal University Library and Professor Chen Ruishan of East China Normal University School of Geography, and other dozens of experts and scholars from different disciplines attended the seminar and started a lively discussion.
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河南省续志质量暨商丘续志稿研讨会于 2 0 0 2年 4月 1 7~ 1 9日在河南省商丘市召开。全省1 6个地市地方志办公室的主任及工作人员共 70人参加会议 ,收到论文 2 4篇。为贯彻李
吐鲁番市和伊宁市有着悠久的亲缘关系。清乾隆二十五年 (1 76 0 )册封的伊犁阿奇木伯克、辅国公茂萨 ,是吐鲁番额敏王的次子。茂萨病逝后 ,遗体被运回吐鲁番鲁克沁 ,安葬于阿