Overlapping gastroesophageal reflux disease and irritable bowel syndrome:Increased dysfunctional sym

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lawrenceccc
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AIM:To investigate the association of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in Iranian patients and examine the prevalence of functional symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract in patients presenting with either IBS, GERD or both.METHODS: Six thousand four hundred and seventy six patients presented to the Gastro-intestinal (GI) clinic with symptoms of functional dysfunction of GI tract, 1419 patients (62.0% women, 38.0% men; mean age: 37.4±11.5 years) met Rome or Rome criteria(depending on the year of diagnosis)for IBS.2658 patients were diagnosed with GERD based on clinical presentation and endoscopic findings.We assessed other functional symptoms(epigastric pain,nausea,vomiting,belching,constipation and diarrhea)in patients suffering from GERD,IBS or both.RESULTS: Among IBS subjects, 63.6% (69.0% women, 31.0% men; mean age: 36.4±10.3 years) also hadGERD, whereas 34.7% of the non-IBS patients had GERD [odds ratio (OR) =3.2, 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.9-3.7, P<0.0001]. Among patients with GERD, 33.9% of subjects met Rome criteria compared to 13.5% of non-GERD patients (OR=3.6, 95% CI: 3.1-4.3, P<0.0001). Prevalence of all functional symptoms was higher in overlapping GERD and IBS subjects, when compared with their prevalence in the IBS subjects without GERD or GERD only subjects (P<0.05).CONCLUSION: This finding shows that in overlapping GERD and IBS, other functional abnormalities of the GI tract are also highly prevalent, suggesting a common underlying dysfunction. To investigate the association of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in Iranian patients and examine the prevalence of functional symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract in patients presenting with either IBS, GERD or both. METHODS: Six thousand four hundred and seventy six patients presented to the Gastro-intestinal (GI) clinic with symptoms of functional dysfunction of GI tract, 1419 patients (62.0% women, 38.0% men; mean age: 37.4 ± 11.5 years) met Rome or Rome criteria (depending on on the year of diagnosis) for IBS.2658 patients were diagnosed with GERD based on clinical presentation and endoscopic findings. We assessed other functional symptoms (epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, belching, constipation and diarrhea) in patients suffering from GERD, IBS or 34.6% of the non-IBS patients had GERD [odds ratio (OR) = 3.2, compared with 63.6% (69.0% women, 31.0% men; mean age: 36.4 ± 10.3 years) 95% confidence interval (CI = 2.9-3.7, P <0.0001). Among patients with GERD, 33.9% of subjects met the Rome criteria compared to 13.5% of non-GERD patients (OR = 3.6, 95% CI: 3.1-4.3, P <0.0001 ) Prevalence of all functional symptoms was higher in overlapping GERD and IBS subjects, when compared with their prevalence in the IBS subjects without GERD or GERD only subjects (P <0.05) .CONCLUSION: This finding shows that in overlapping GERD and IBS, other functional abnormalities of the GI tract are also highly prevalent, suggesting a common underlying dysfunction.
正在劳伦斯·里弗莫尔国家实 验室建造的“国家点火装置”,计划 于2009年建成。此项耗资35亿的 项目将有广泛的用途和众多的用 户。将其192路激光束聚焦在毫米 尺度、充氘氚
晚上11点多钟,好友沈芳打来电话,声音有些嘶哑:“亚东……亚东,他又参加游行了,纪念9·18的游行。”“噢,我刚才在本市新闻上看到他了。”沈芳压抑的情绪一下子找到出口:“他竟然走在队伍最前面!他都这个岁数了,还这么激进!也不知道自己上有老下有小吗?要钱没钱,要前途没前途,一大堆棘手的事不管。心理变态!”  沈芳的丈夫我认识,一位忠厚的中年男人。沈芳为何对他有如此深的怨恨?我约沈芳明天当面聊聊。  
朋友被母校召去做报告。  见到老师,闲话家常必不可少,追忆过去也是必点曲目。只是让她颇感意外的是,几乎所有的老师都说,上学那会儿就觉得她不一样。语文老师说她文字上很有锐气,英语老师说她是将才,数学老师说她逻辑思维超出别的孩子一大截……总之,那会儿就觉得这孩子将来一定能成气候!  老师们弄得朋友直犯晕,这都哪儿跟哪儿啊!第一,她没成什么气候,不过在那个小城市的中学老师眼里,她有些高调的资本;第二,她
当父母拿我们的学习成绩跟优秀同学比较时,我们常常会反驳“人家的爸妈经常陪他们写作业,你们呢”。我们的学习成绩真的与父母有关吗?  近日,德国图宾根大学的研究人员对该问题进行了探讨。研究人员首先让家长报告他们在孩子的数学学习生活中投入的时间和精力、对数学的兴趣、家长自己数学能力的认识等问題,然后他们让孩子在开始和5个月后报告自己的能力、努力程度和对数学的兴趣。最后,研究人员通过标准化的考试对孩子的学