
来源 :Agricultural Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxwhuochai
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[目的]对白浪湖夏末浮游植物的优势种群进行调查,并对其水质进行综合营养评价。[方法]于2011年9月对白浪湖进行一系列水质调查和浮游植物采样,共设置4个采样点,对总氮、总磷、氨氮、亚硝酸氮、硝酸氮、高锰酸盐指数等进行检测分析,并利用综合营养状态指数法进一步对水质因子进行营养评价。[结果]白浪湖水域pH值为8.57中性偏碱,水体透明度平均为0.4m,溶氧较高,总氮含量较高,平均为3.043mg/L;综合营养指数评价属于中度富营养化,从各评价因子TLI来看,对白浪湖富营养化贡献最大的是透明度、叶绿素a、总氮,其次是高锰酸盐指数和总磷;经统计分析白浪湖浮游植物平均重量生物量为6.442mg/L,平均数量生物量为146.46×104个/ml,优势种有8种,分别为中华尖头藻、席藻、平裂藻、栅藻、四角藻、黄丝藻、针杆藻和蓝隐藻。[结论]该研究为白浪湖的环境保护与渔业生产提供了数据资料。 [Objective] The research aimed to investigate the dominant populations of phytoplankton in late summer and the comprehensive nutrition evaluation of its water quality. [Method] A series of water quality survey and phytoplankton sampling were carried out in Bailang Lake in September 2011. Four sampling points were set up for total nitrogen, total phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and permanganate index The detection and analysis, and the use of comprehensive nutrition status index method for further nutritional evaluation of water quality factors. [Result] The pH value of Balang Lake watershed was 8.57, and the average transparency was 0.4m. The dissolved oxygen was higher and the total nitrogen content was higher, with an average of 3.043mg / L. The comprehensive nutritional index was moderately eutrophic From the TLI evaluation point of view, the greatest contribution to the eutrophication of the Bailong Lake is transparency, chlorophyll a, total nitrogen, followed by the permanganate index and total phosphorus; the average weight biomass of the phytoplankton 6.442mg / L, the average biomass was 146.46 × 104 个 / ml, the dominant species were 8 species, respectively, Chinese tip algae, mycelial, flat crack algae, garden algae, tetragonal algae, yellow silk algae, And blue alginate. [Conclusion] The study provided data for the environmental protection and fishery production of Bailang Lake.
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