给下面几段话加上标点符号: ①杨树是我国最常见的树种之一公元六世纪贾思勰的齐民要术中说白杨性甚劲直堪为屋材折则折矣终不屈挠明朝的三才图会中也说白杨处处有之北土尤多这里所说的白杨看来是指箭干扬这种扬树属黑杨派在我国华北西北一带很常见它不论集体或者独自行动都非常守纪律用它充当行道树俨然如道路两旁立正站岗的哨兵呈现出威严整齐的军容用它充当农田防护林由于树冠和根系幅度小占地少防风效果好
To add punctuation to the following paragraphs: 1 Poplar is one of the most common tree species in China Sixth century AD Jia Minqi’s Qi Minyao said that the poplar is very strong and straight. The Three Talents Association also said that the Topols that are everywhere in the Poplars are referred to as the poplars. It seems that the Poplar Tree is a kind of poplar tree. The black poplar school is very common in the northwest and northwest of China. It acts very much collectively or alone. Laws and disciplines use it as a street tree. The sentry standing on both sides of the road shows a dignified and uniform military capacity. It acts as a farmland shelterbelt because of the small size of the crown and the root system.