
来源 :北方棋艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flexhansen
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虎年车兵会,古城硝烟浓。一九八六年全国中国象棋团体赛在河北省邯郸市举行。笔者躬逢其盛,一饱眼福之余,将留在脑海中的令人难忘的“镜头”一一“定格”,剪辑成这一组短镜头献给读者,不揣固陋,望同好指正。 Year of the Tiger car soldiers, ancient city smoke thick. The National Chinese Chess Championship in 1986 was held in Handan City, Hebei Province. I bow at its peak, full of eyes, while the rest of my mind will be unforgettable “shot” one by one “freeze-frame”, cut into a group of short shots dedicated to readers, not speculation solid, looking corrections.
辽宁 赵庆阁(先负)上海 胡荣华 (1986年4月24日于邯郸市) 中炮对三步虎1.(炮)25 (马)87 2.(马)23 (车)98 3.(兵)71 (炮)894.(马)87 (车)84 至此,形成中炮对三步虎之势。过去
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着法(红先胜): 1.(马)65 (将)61 2.(车)32 (将)61 3.(车)31 (将)61 4.(马)53 (马)87 5.(车)31 (将)61 6.(马)35 (马)75 7.(车)31 (将)61 The law (red first wins): 1. (ho
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