拓宽就业渠道 筑起供需桥梁

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恩施自治州共有380多万人口,其中90%分布在农村;农村160余万劳动力中,有剩余劳动力50余万。现还有近5万下岗职工和失业人员。为解决剩余劳动力和下岗失业人员的出路问题,恩施州劳动就业管理局投资400多万元加快劳动力市场的科学化、规范化和现代化建设,培育发展了市场导向就业新机制。在强化统一管理、规范服务的基础上,实行用工求职登记、信息服务、职业指导、职业中介、就业培训、劳动保障业务代理等全方位“一条龙”服务,促 Enshi Autonomous Prefecture has a population of more than 3.8 million, 90% of which are located in rural areas. Among the more than 1.6 million rural laborers, there are more than 500,000 surplus labors. There are still nearly 50,000 laid-off workers and unemployed people. In order to solve the problem of the surplus labor and laid-off workers, the Enshi Prefecture Labor and Employment Administration invested more than 4 million yuan to speed up the construction of a scientific, standardized and modern labor market and foster the development of a new market-oriented employment mechanism. On the basis of strengthening unified management and standardizing services, the Bank will implement all-around “one-stop” services such as employment registration, information service, career guidance, employment agency, employment training and labor security service, and promote
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信息系统的业务外包是社会分工无限细化的趋势在IT业的投影。每个人在各自轨道上滚动着自己_的球,整个系统会更有序,也更有效率。 The outsourcing of information systems
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.