吹角连营战歌起 金戈铁马向深蓝

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一首战歌蕴含一种精神,一种精神传递一种力量。一首战歌彰显一种情怀,一种情怀展现一种霸气。东海之滨,千岛之城,一支铁拳部队应运而生。十年磨一剑,敢为人先铸铁拳;战歌声震天,披坚执锐卫海疆。“踏着千岛的波浪,走向深蓝的海洋,荣誉和责任记在我们心上,不忘百年沧桑,练就铁骨刚强……”一首《铁拳之歌》记录着该支队走向深蓝迈向大洋的足迹。从出国接舰到四驱四护,齐装满员;从远海训练到亮剑亚丁湾;从一支年轻的部队成长为一支海上劲旅,该支队用15年的时间书写着海军跨越式发 A war song contains a kind of spirit, a kind of spirit to convey a force. A battle song highlights a feeling, a feeling show a domineering. The East China Sea, the city of Thousand Island, a Tekken army came into being. Ten years of grinding sword, dare to be the first to cast Iron Fist; war song Zhentian, Phi firmly stick sharp sharp sea. “Inspired by the waves of the Qiandao, towards the sea of ​​dark blue, honor and responsibility recorded in our hearts, do not forget the vicissitudes of a century, practicing strong iron ... ...” A “song of Tekken” recorded the detachment toward the dark blue Footprint to the ocean. From the outbound ship to the four-wheel drive four protection, Qi filled with full staff; training from the sea to the Sword Gulf of Aden; from a young force to grow into a brigade of the sea, the detachment spent 15 years writing a naval leapfrog
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