A new type of polarographic catalytic wave of organic compound——Studies on the polarographic catalyt

来源 :Science in China(Series B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangtianxin1818
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The polarographic behavior and catalytic wave mechanism of medroprogesterone acetate (MPA) were studied in both aqueous and DMF media. In 0.2 mol/L acetic acid-sodium acetate (pH 5.0) buffer solution, the C=C bond of MPA first undergoes le, lH~+ reduction to form protonated free radical HMPA(?), the further reduction of HMPA(?) in le, 1H~+ process is simultaneous with the dimerization reaction between HMPA(?) and neutral molecular MPA. In DMF media containing 0.1 mol/L tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoborate (TBA·BF_4), the C=C bond of MPA shows two le, 1H~+ reduction waves, which are ascribed to the reduction of MPA and free radical MPA, respectively. Here, no dimerization reaction occurs. These processes produce the reduction wave of MPA. In the presence of oxidant KIO_3, a polarographic catalytic wave of MPA is observable due to a chemical reaction between HMPA(?) or MPA(?) and KIO_3 as well as its intermediate species to regenerate MPA. The catalytic wave, which is caused by the reduction of organic com The polarographic behavior and catalytic wave mechanism of medroprogesterone acetate (MPA) were studied in both aqueous and DMF media. In 0.2 mol / L acetic acid-sodium acetate (pH 5.0) buffer solution, the C = C bond of MPA first undergoes le, lH ~ + reduction to form protonated free radical HMPA (?), the further reduction of HMPA (?) in le, 1H ~ + process is simultaneous with the dimerization reaction between HMPA mol / L tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoborate (TBA · BF_4), the C = C bond of MPA shows two le, 1H ~ + reduction waves, which arecribed to reduction of MPA and free radical MPA, respectively. Here, no dimerization reaction occurs. These processes produce the reduction wave of MPA. In the presence of oxidant KIO_3, a polarographic catalytic wave of MPA is observable due to a chemical reaction between HMPA (?) Or MPA (?) And KIO_3 as well as its intermediate species to regenerate MPA The catalytic wave, which is caused by the reduct ion of organic com
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