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自上世纪80年代以来,美国、欧洲、日本和一些发展中国家和地区加快了石油市场开放步伐,不断完善石油管理政策和石油流通体制,通过主动融入国际石油市场实现保障石油安全的目的。成品油流通管理体制是各国石油政策中的重要内容。随着市场开放度不断提高,各国市场格局、政府调控手段、终端销售网络的构成等都发生了变化。市场化是国际石油市场发展的大势所趋,也是国内石油市场改革应当坚持的大方向。同时,转变石油安全观念,从生产依赖逐步转向市场依赖,高度重视并不断完善石油储备体系,不断提高成品油质量标准。加快转变监管理念和监管方式,促进市场公平竞争,从更高层次上引导石油市场健康发展。 Since the 1980s, the United States, Europe, Japan and some developing countries and regions have accelerated the pace of oil market liberalization, continuously improved their oil management policies and the system of oil circulation, and achieved the goal of safeguarding oil security through active integration into the international oil market. The refined oil circulation management system is an important part of the oil policies of various countries. With the continuous improvement of the market opening up, the market structure in different countries, the means of government control and the composition of the terminal sales network have all changed. Marketization is the general trend of the development of the international oil market and the general direction that the reform of the domestic oil market should adhere to. At the same time, the concept of oil security has been changed. From production dependence to market dependence, the oil reserve system has been attached great importance to and continuously improved, and the quality standards of refined oil products have been continuously raised. Accelerate the transformation of regulatory concepts and regulatory approach to promote fair competition in the market and guide the healthy development of the oil market at a higher level.
10月10日,浙江海宁市一名本想靠传销发大财的人,因被当地法院认定构成非法经营罪,赔了巨额钱财不说,还要坐5年牢。此人为此后侮不迭。 这名叫沈家石的非法传销人员现年62岁,是海宁市某职
采用静态急性毒理学方法,探讨了碳酸盐碱度和pH值对凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)仔虾存活率的影响。结果表明:在pH值为7.5、8.0、8.5、9.0、9.5、10.0及10.5的试验组中,
祁仲祥,这位本应有着美好前程的刑警中队队长,之所以“蜕变”成一起大劫案的谋划者,还得从被害人张保中巨款被盗说起。 今年48岁的张保中,系河南省驻马店制药厂职工。2000年
挤兑风波引出诈骗巨案 50多岁的汪老太因女儿在国外,常寄来一些钱款,她自己省吃俭用,慢慢地攒下了60万元。1998年8月,汪老太把这笔钱存进了广西临桂县城市信用社。1999年3月
1 祸起“木梯” 1996年11月初,山东省青州市五里镇贾庄村决定对村内的低压线路进行改造。该村为节省经费,没有委托供电所为其施工,自己组织了村电工和部分村民对本村的低压线路进行整改