Characteristics analysis and model prediction of sea-salt water intrusion in lower reaches of the We

来源 :Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jsd84r
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Marine sedimentary strata are widely distributed in the coastal zone of the study area, and are rich in brine resources. The exploitation of underground water resources often first caused the intrusion of salt water in the marine strata. Based on the analysis of sea-salt water intrusion feature, the sea-salt water intrusion is divided into four stages: The occurrence and development stage(1976–1985), the rapid development stage(1986–1990), the slow development stage(1990–2000) and the stable development stage(2000–2015). Based on the comparative analysis of the relationship between seawater intrusion and influencing factors, this paper presents that the groundwater exploitation and the brine resources mining are the main control factors of sea-salt water intrusion. On this basis, we have established a numerical model of the sea-salt water intrusion. Using this model, we predicted the development trend of the sea-salt water intrusion. The results show that if the current development of groundwater and brine is maintained, the sea-salt water intrusion will gradually withdraw; once development of brine stops, sea-salt water will invade again. This provides the scientific basis for the rational exploitation of groundwater and the prevention of sea-salt water intrusion. The exploitation of underground water resources often first caused the intrusion of salt water in the marine strata. Based on the analysis of sea-salt water intrusion feature, the sea-salt water intrusion is divided into four stages: The occurrence and development stage (1976-1985), the rapid development stage (1986-1990), the slow development stage (1990-2000) and the stable development stage Based on the comparative analysis of the relationship between seawater intrusion and influencing factors, this paper presents that the groundwater exploitation and the brine resources mining are the main control factors of sea-salt water intrusion. On this basis, we Using this model, we predicted the development trend of the sea-salt water intrusion. The results show that if the current develop ment of groundwater and brine is maintained, the sea-salt water intrusion will gradually withdraw; once development of brine stops, sea-salt water will invade again. This provides the scientific basis for the rational exploitation of groundwater and the prevention of sea-salt water intrusion.
近年来,河北省因地制宜、综合施策,持续推进小城镇建设,一批专业化、特色化的小城镇脱颖而出,像白沟镇、胜芳镇、鸦鸿桥镇等一批经济发达、区位优势明显的特色小城镇,已发展成为县域副中心,有力地带动了当地经济社会发展,加快了农业转移人口市民化进程。  一、规划引领,强化管控  一是做深做实规划。建立以镇域总体规划、镇区建设规划、镇区控制性详细规划为主线的编制体系。二是坚持“一镇一规”、“多规合一”。按照“
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