推行执法责任制 实施精细化管理

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今年来,建始县国税局以推行税收执法责任制为契机,切实加强廉政建设,全面规范税收执法,建立健全奖惩机制,有效地提高了工作质量和效率,真正达到了精细化管理的目的。到目前为止,全系统累计入库税款2218万元,比去年同期净增452万元。一、加强宣传,消除思想顾虑税收执法责任制推行之初,出现了害怕、畏难、厌战等三种不良情绪。为消除顾虑,县局通过召开党组会、局长办公会和全系统干部职工大会进行广泛动员;通过到荆门进行学习考察,在电视台开办专栏,向媒体踊跃投稿,及时编发简报、信息等途径加强了宣传。同时,成立了以“一把手”为组长,领导班子其他成员为副组长,各股室、稽查局、管理组负责人为成员的领导小组,在全系统采取推荐和考试相结合的方法组成了12个人的工作专班,并细分了材料组、宣传组等5个小组,实行责任到人。 This year, Jianshi County Internal Revenue Service to implement the tax law enforcement responsibility as an opportunity to effectively strengthen the building of an honest and clean government, comprehensively regulate tax law enforcement, establish and improve the reward and punishment mechanism, effectively improving the quality and efficiency of work, and truly meticulous management. So far, the system-wide accumulated tax of 22.18 million yuan, a net increase of 4.52 million yuan over the same period of last year. First, to step up publicity, to eliminate ideological concerns Tax enforcement system at the beginning of the implementation, there have been three fears of fear, fear of hardship, fatigue and other negative emotions. In order to eliminate the concerns, the county bureau mobilized extensively through the convening of the party and group meetings, the office of the director and the system-wide cadre and staff meeting. Through studying and inspecting Jingmen Station, setting up special columns on television stations, actively submitting submissions to the media, timely preparation of briefings and information, Publicity. At the same time, the establishment of a “Leader ” as the leader, the other members of the leadership team as deputy head of the unit, the inspection bureau, management team leader as a member of the leading group in the system-wide recommendation and examination combined with the method Formed a work team of 12 people, and subdivided materials group, advocacy group and other five groups, the implementation of the responsibility to the people.
对液压传动中常用的液压泵供油系统的功率损耗进行了分析指出,采用功率匹配泵供油液压系统能更有效地实现节能。 The paper analyzes the power loss of hydraulic pump oil
草 [Beckmanniasyzigachne(Steud .)Fer nald]是一年生或越年生的禾本科草本植物 ,多生于水边和潮湿的地方 ,是质量较好的饲料[1,2 ] 。 2 0世纪 90年代初 ,我国长江中下游地区的稻茬油菜田和小麦田中 ,原本