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世界大吗?世界真大。世界小吗?世界真小。小时候,父亲给我讲过这样一个故事:说很久很久以前,有一位老大爷,他为了探明地有多大,从懂事的那天起,就托人打造了一条铁拐杖,带上行囊,一边乞讨,一边跋涉,经过千辛万苦,终于走到了“天下角”(天尽头)。当他回到家乡的时候,已是“少小离家老大回”了。听了父亲的故事后,当时觉得天地真是够大的,一个人一生也只能走个来 The world is big? The world is really big. The world is small? The world is really small. When I was young, my father told me a story: Long, long time ago, there was an old man who, in order to find out how big he knew, from the day of being sensible, he built an iron crutches and put on his luggage while begging , While trekking, after untold hardships, finally came to “world corner ” (day end). When he returned to his hometown, he was already “a little back from his boss”. After listening to his father’s story, then I think the world is really big enough, a person can only come one life
加拿大:由于预期2014年北美新屋开工增加,Tolko工业有限公司已开始提高其位于加拿大阿尔伯塔省奴隶湖地区现代化阿萨巴斯卡工厂的产量。Tolko公司总裁兼首席执行官Brad Thorl
1.Better early than late.宁早勿迟。2.Better be sure than sorry.事后后悔不如事前拿准。3.Better to ask the way than go astray.问路总比迷路强。4.Better a good fri
借卖房之机,我们把住了10年的家做了一次彻底清理。朋友看着我们稀里哗啦扔得满地都是的垃圾,在一边大发议论:人的一生,该会制造多少垃圾啊! 这话令人心生无限感慨:我曾经用
ACLEVEK”UU淤筷夔,、火!②一了二侣、~④鲁 ︸ha憔、飞馨夕心Model ComPos币onOne evening,David was going for a stroll withhis dog,Bobby. He was skiPPing and singing a
泣逃you诉ant tocomet。you,11 that you are.will meet you hal枷ay,11,Ve 10St.{只5 and dreams fall Short ofyo,‘rh()pes夕ou learn something new.urself or about lif
Flying to the moon is an enduring dream of mankind. There are many beautiful legends about the moon. In the 20th century, since Brothers Wright invented airpla