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中美贸易是个历久常新的话题。凡有举动,必然是财经媒体的热点。这种特殊的地位,不仅因为其第二大贸易伙伴的身份,更是一个大国对另外一个大国的微妙心态。从过去每年一轮的贸易最惠国待遇到不时挥舞的301条款,再到近年频频发起的各项反倾销调查和不断增长的贸易逆差问题。几乎每次都是美国发难,中国应招,处于尴尬被动中的中国抗议、不平乃至委屈自然难免。 然而,任何一厢情愿的主观愿望和大而化之的简单处理,在错综复杂的国际经贸关系上都无益其事。唯有把握对方的真实状态,学会游戏规则,让经贸的问题归于经贸,才能还中美贸易以本来面目。 为此本刊特邀前驻旧金山和纽约总领馆经商参赞何伟文先生,以他驻美六年对美国商界的深入了解和第一手的翔实资料,为读者提供一个全面了解中美贸易,近距离接触美国商界,以及民间商业往来的现状和前景的机会,从中探讨双方的互赢方略。 Sino-U.S. Trade is a new and ever-lasting topic. Where there is a move, it must be a hot spot in the financial media. This special status is not only because of its status as the second largest trading partner but also because of the subtle mentality of a big power over another big power. From the past round of the most-favored-nation treatment of trade every year from time to time waving the 301 clause, to frequently launched in recent years, the anti-dumping investigations and the growing trade deficit issue. Almost every time the United States has launched an attack, China should recruit and be embarrassed in a passive Chinese protest. Unevenness and even wronged nature are unavoidable. However, any wishful subjective desire and simplistic and simplistic handling will not help the intricate international economic and trade relations. Only by grasping the true state of each other, by learning the rules of the game and by allowing economic and trade problems to be classified as economic and trade points can we still regard the true nature of the trade between China and the United States. To this end, we invited Mr. He Weiwen, a business counselor of the Former Consulate General in San Francisco and New York, to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of Sino-US trade through his in-depth knowledge of the U.S. business community and his first- From the contacts with the U.S. business community, as well as with the current status and prospects of commercial exchanges between the two countries, to explore the mutual win-win strategy between the two sides.
血管损伤是鼻内手术最危险的并发症。尤其是筛窦、蝶窦区的复杂解剖,易致大量血管受到损伤。筛窦区易伤筛动脉,穿破颅底骨板时易伤脑膜血管和大脑前动脉的蛛网膜卜枝 Vascul
对6例严重鼻衄病人,经股动脉插管、选择性颈内动脉、颈外动脉造影,明确了出血原因,并同步行相应的栓塞治疗,疗效满意。 6 cases of severe epistaxis patients, the femoral