Bin2vec:learning representations of binary executable programs for security tasks

来源 :网络空间安全科学与技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YT479102771
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Tackling binary program analysis problems has traditionally implied manually defining rules and heuristics,a tedious and time consuming task for human analysts.In order to improve automation and scalability,we propose an alternative direction based on distributed representations of binary programs with applicability to a number of downstream tasks.We introduce Bin2vec,a new approach leveraging Graph Convolutional Networks(GCN)along with computational program graphs in order to learn a high dimensional representation of binary executable programs.We demonstrate the versatility of this approach by using our representations to solve two semantically different binary analysis tasks-functional algorithm classification and vulnerability discovery.We compare the proposed approach to our own strong baseline as well as published results,and demonstrate improvement over state-of-the-art methods for both tasks.We evaluated Bin2vec on 49191 binaries for the functional algorithm classification task,and on 30 different CWE-IDs including at least 100 CVE entries each for the vulnerability discovery task.We set a new state-of-the-art result by reducing the classification error by 40%compared to the source-code based inst2vec approach,while working on binary code.For almost every vulnerability class in our dataset,our prediction accuracy is over 80%(and over 90%in multiple classes).
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