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“大道分明绝点尘,何须枯坐始相亲,杖藜日涉溪山趣,便是烟霞物外人。”宋代省澄的这首禅诗明示了禅宗的精髓,禅心是只能“悟得”而不是修得的。世间尘事永无穷尽,过后思量痴迷者自得其乐,惊醒者空无清心。跻身于闹市繁华中的人,把一切都看透、想清,息妄念尘心,不为尘世所累,不为名利所伤,明了一切只是弹指间的事,真的是很不容易。对生命的感悟与对人生豁达的理解皆凭于心,即所谓“明心见性”。在喧嚣的红尘中,打开自己心灵天性的智慧之门,绽放清凉圣洁的莲心,望云卷云舒,听万物声息,万事随缘心无所执。以慈悲圣洁的莲池甘露善泽苍生,种如是因,结如是果”。在坦然洒脱的心境中,保持一份晴和安泰的定性。 “The road is clear and absolutely dusty, why do you want to drunk the first blind date, Chenbi Hill Triangle Hill fun, it is hazy outsiders.” The song of the province of Cheng this Zen poem illustrates the essence of Zen, Zen heart is only “enlightened ”Instead of cultivation. There is no end to the dust in the world. Among the people who are in the bustling downtown, they see through everything, think of everything, pay attention to the hearts and minds of the earth, and are not hurt by fame and fortune. It is really not easy to find out everything is just a matter of fingertips. The perception of life and the understanding of life open-minded are based on the heart, the so-called “clear-heartedness.” In the hustle and bustle of the Red, open the door to the wisdom of their own spiritual nature, bloom cool and holy lotus heart, Yunyuanyunshu, listening to all things sound, everything goes without heart. In merciful holy lotus nectar good common people, species such as the cause, the result is knot. "In a calm and free and easy mood, to maintain a clear and peaceful nature.
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