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中成药贮藏保管的好坏,不仅关系到成品的外观性状,而且引起其内在成分的变化。如温度过高,成药所含的挥发油及芳香挥发性成分易于挥发,失去原有香气而使疗效降低;如湿度过大,含糖类、淀粉多的药物易下潮解、发霉变质,含树脂、浸膏多的药物易于粘连;日光和空气也会使药物变色、变质等。由于中成药所含成分复杂,性质各异,贮藏保管的要求也各不一样。所以认真探索中成药变质的原因,采用妥善的保管方法甚为必要。本文拟就常用中成药变质原因及其贮存保管作一初步探讨。注射剂注射剂是中成药的新剂型;由于原、辅料的差异及制备方法的不同,质量往往不易稳定。若贮存保管不善,更易出现质量问题。若中草药注射液成品中含有以胶体状态存在的淀粉、树脂、蛋白质、鞣质、树胶、色素等杂质,当贮放过程中温度、PH等因素改变后,胶体老化而呈现浑浊或沉淀的情况是经常可能产牛的,其中尤以鞣质与树脂对澄明度影响最大。结构中含醛基、醇羟基、酚羟基、低氧化价的氧化硫,共轭双键体系等成分的中药注射剂易发生氧化还原反 The quality of storage and preservation of proprietary Chinese medicines not only affects the appearance of the finished product, but also causes changes in its internal components. If the temperature is too high, volatile oils and aromatic volatile components contained in medicines tend to volatilize, losing the original aroma and reducing the curative effect; if the humidity is too high, drugs containing sugars and starches are prone to deliquescence, moldy deterioration, and contain resins. Drugs with many extracts are prone to sticking; sunlight and air can also make the drugs discolor and deteriorate. Due to the complex composition and different nature of proprietary Chinese medicines, the requirements for storage and storage are also different. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully explore the reasons for the deterioration of proprietary Chinese medicines and adopt proper methods of safekeeping. This article intends to make a preliminary discussion on the reasons for the deterioration of traditional Chinese patent medicines and their storage and preservation. Injectable injections are new formulations of proprietary Chinese medicines; due to differences in raw materials and excipients and different methods of preparation, the quality is often not stable. If storage is poorly maintained, quality problems are more likely to occur. If the finished product of Chinese herbal medicine contains impurities such as starch, resin, protein, tannin, gum, and pigment that exist in a colloidal state, when the temperature, pH, and other factors change during storage, the colloid is aged and appears cloudy or precipitated. It is often possible to produce cattle, and tannins and resins, among others, have the greatest influence on clarity. Oxygen radicals, alcoholic hydroxyl groups, phenolic hydroxyl groups, low oxidation oxidized sulfur, conjugated double bond systems and other components of traditional Chinese medicine injections are prone to redox reactions.
本文综述了国内外对野桐属植物化学成分研究的概况,指出对我国现有该属植物的其它品种应进一步开展研究,以寻找具有生物活性的物质。 This review summarizes the research
人参芦(简称参芦)系五加科植物人参panax Ginseng C. A. Meyer的根茎,占人参的12~15%,但是,历来中医将其归入涌吐类药,而不用于补益,并特别指出应用人参必须去芦。但是,近年