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继2007年开年第一期《寻访附中的园丁——上海音乐学院中央音乐学院附中小提琴教师专访》之后,在读者中引起了很大的反响。在这些回馈的声音中,有更多的读者想通过本刊的笔触了解到中青年教师团队更多的情况,并通过走访到每位教师,以及他们的话语,使读者们对其关心的院校及学科和部分教师的个人背景,性格特征,教学观念等有一个大致的了解。在很多人眼中,这两所院校是中国专业音乐教育界乃至在国际上音乐教育界都可谓万众瞩目的焦点。他们就像是象牙塔上的“珍珠”,充满了“神秘”。“附中”则是培养“明日音乐巨匠”的沃土,就像一座“围城”。“围城”内的人可能觉得一切来得自然,而“围城”外的人,总是通过各种联想,想象那里的学习、生活。为了满足这些“城外”人的好奇之心,让当事人能够在这里“现身说法”,本刊记者继续上期的策划,对两院教师的采访“进行到底”。希望我们的参访能为读者和小琴童们带来您所需要的信息,能够对您有所启发,并对您将来的艺术人生有所引导,帮助您在音乐道路上走得更适,飞得更高。——编者 Following the opening of the first phase of 2007, “Interview with Gardener of Secondary School - An Interview with Violin Teachers at the Central Conservatory of Shanghai Conservatory of Music”, the audience has aroused great repercussions. In these feedbacks, more readers want to know more about the young and middle-aged teachers’ team through the brushstrokes of this journal. By visiting each teacher and their discourse, School and subject and some teachers personal background, personality traits, teaching concepts have a general understanding. In the eyes of many people, these two institutions are the focus of much attention of the Chinese professional music education community and even the international music education community. They are like “pearl” on the ivory tower, full of “mystery.” “Secondary School” is to cultivate the fertile soil of “tomorrow’s music masters,” like a “siege.” People in Besieged City may feel that everything comes naturally, and people outside Besieged City always imagine and learn about life through various associations. In order to satisfy the curiosity of these “out-of-town” people so that the parties can “come out with their own opinions” here, the reporters continue the planning of the previous period and “carry through to the end” the interviews with teachers from both houses. We hope that our visit will bring you the information you need for the readers and the little kindergarten children, inspire you and guide you in the future of art and life, so as to help you to walk more in the music road, Fly higher. --editor
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