
来源 :航空动力学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovechenhua
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A program named the STAP for the stator blade analysis with preprocessor and postprocessor is briefly introduced.Using the mesh generation and substructure assemblage functions of the STAP,it is possible to accomplish conveniently the stress and vibration analyses of the stator blade if only the coordinates of points on the contour of a blade and a few of mechanical properties of materials are inputted.Since mechanical properties,particularly Youngs modulus and coefficient of thermal expansion,are temperature dependent,it is very important to take this fact into account for calculating the stress of a cooled gas turbine blade.For this end the STAP provides for user a finite element methed with a temperature dependence on the properties.In structure modelling,in order to reduce the number of unknown variables and to describe the complex boundary conditions,the STAP is possessed of the function of Master Slave relations between the nodal displacements. A program named the STAP for the stator blade analysis with preprocessor and postprocessor is briefly introduced. Using the mesh generation and substructure assemblage functions of the STAP, it is possible to accomplish conveniently the stress and vibration analyzes of the stator blade if only the coordinates of points on the contour of a blade and a few of mechanical properties of materials are plated .ince mechanical properties, particularly Young’s modulus and coefficient of thermal expansion, are temperature dependent, it is very important to take this fact into account for calculating the stress of a cooled gas turbine blade. For this end the STAP provides for user a finite element methed with a temperature dependence on the properties. In structure modeling, in order to reduce the number of unknown variables and to describe the complex boundary conditions, th e STAP is possessed of the function of Master Slave relations between the nodal displacements.
隋唐时候,有一天,罗成将军奉命前去平定山寇,那山寇听到罗成的威名,望风而逃,剿匪大军很快大获全胜,班师回朝。大军在回来的路上,浩浩荡荡,威风凛凛。  突然,前面的队伍一阵骚动,罗成停住马,问道:“前面发生了什么事情,队伍为何停下?”一个兵卒急匆匆跑来,跪在马前说:“启禀大将军,前面有一个耍猴的江湖艺人,拦住了去路。”  罗成疑惑地问:“耍猴的艺人?为什么挡路?”兵卒说:“不知道。”罗成策马来到前面
主任、副主任、秘书长、各位委员:  2008年5月,省十一届人大常委会第四次会议对省政府提请的《浙江省城市市容和环境卫生管理条例(草案)》(以下简称草案)进行了审议。会后,法制委员会将草案及其说明、调研提纲印发各市县区人大常委会、省人大代表、省有关部门和地方立法专家库成员征求意见,并在地方立法网、浙江人大网上开辟征求意见专栏,征求各方面意见。同时,省人大常委会王永明副主任和法制委员会先后到温州、杭