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中国戏剧出版社、河北省文化厅联合召开的戏曲剧种史撰写讨论会,于六月二十日至六月三十日在北戴河举行。二十个省、市、自治区文化部门、戏剧研究单位的负责人,长期从事戏曲史研究的专家,剧种史撰写者以及中国艺术研究院戏曲研究所负责人共七十多人出席了会议。剧种史的研究和撰写,已越来越受到人们的重视。中国戏剧出版社计划用十年时间分批出版“中国戏曲剧种史丛书”,并已将撰写剧种史的指导思想、撰写要求、出版规划在会上作了介绍。会上还交流了各地撰写工作经验,探讨了撰写中出现的具有共同性的问题;还对各省写出的十几部剧种史初稿、提纲,进行了讨论,并对以下问题取得了一致的认识:剧种史研究与当前戏曲工作有着密切的联系,是一项具有迫切性的战斗任务;编写剧种史,要贯彻党的“双百”方针,要以历史唯物主义来指导编写工作;剧种史的研究、编写,要有严谨求实的科学态度,要对子孙后代负责;明确剧种史内容范畴,但不搞模式,要写出每个剧种的个性;剧种史 China Theater Press, Hebei Provincial Department of Culture jointly organized opera drama history writing seminar, from June 20 to June 30 held in Beidaihe. More than 70 people from 20 provinces, cities and autonomous regions, cultural departments and drama research institutes, experts engaged in the study of history of drama, writers of drama history and heads of opera institute of China Academy of Art attended the conference. The study and writing of the history of operas have drawn more and more attention. China Theater Press plans to publish the series of Chinese opera dramas in batches in ten years and has introduced the guiding ideology, writing requirements and publishing planning for the history of dramas. At the meeting, he also exchanged experiences in writing work and discussed issues of commonality in his writing. He also discussed the first draft and outline of more than a dozen dramas in various provinces and made a general understanding of the following issues : The study of the history of operas has close connection with the current opera work and is an urgent battle task. Writing the history of operas must follow the “double hundred” principle of the party and guide the preparation with historical materialism. The history of operas Research, preparation, there must be rigorous and realistic scientific attitude, to be responsible for future generations; a clear historical content category, but do not engage in mode, to write the personality of each drama; drama history
本文结合湖北省流通业发展的实际情况,对如何做大做强流通企业、提高行业规模化水平,推动流通产业升级,以及实施人才战略等方面进行了探讨。 Based on the actual situation