当代中国ART DECO复兴背后的意义

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自上世纪二三十年代Art Deco出现以来,各知名品牌设计师纷纷将Art Deco的元素融入其设计理念,创造出众多传世佳作,享受着富商名流的追捧,如Chanel No°5的香水瓶、Dior的Art Deco系列腕表等。时至今日,Art Deco仍以其独特的魅力吸引着时尚界、地产界的眼球,其风潮更是席卷全球。建筑、服饰、珠宝、汽车、以至于钢笔等,无不通过Art Deco在呈现工业文明所崇尚的简洁与机械美的同时,表现着古典主义的奢华与繁复。Art Deco的优雅风潮,也影响到了杭州这座优雅的城市,在3月、5月两次房交会上赚足眼球的钱塘·梧桐公寓,其建筑风格就是Art Deco!庞大的建筑体量、塔楼式的退台、细腻的腰线装饰……形成了强烈的视觉冲击,给杭州的地产界刮来一阵新风。Art Deco是什么?Art Deco从何而来?Art Deco又为什么会在当代中国复兴?让我们以钱塘·梧桐公寓为例,探究Art Deco在当代中国复兴背后的意义。 Since the Art Deco appeared in the 1920s and 1930s, all famous brand designers have incorporated the elements of Art Deco into their design concepts to create many excellent masterpieces and enjoy the charisma of wealthy businessmen such as the perfume bottle of Chanel No ° 5, Dior Art Deco watches and so on. Today, Art Deco still with its unique charm to attract the fashion industry, the real estate industry’s eye, the wave is sweeping the globe. Architecture, apparel, jewelery, cars, and pens, etc. Art Deco embodies the luxury and sophistication of classicism while presenting the simplicity and mechanical beauty advocated by industrial civilization. Art Deco elegant trend, but also affect the elegant city of Hangzhou, in March and May rented the second home rented Qiantang Sycamore apartment, the architectural style is Art Deco! Large building volume, the tower Style back Taiwan, the delicate waist decoration ... ... formed a strong visual impact, to the real estate sector in Hangzhou blowing a fresh air. What is Art Deco? Where did Art Deco come from? Why Art Deco revived in contemporary China? Let us take Qiantang Indus Apartment as an example to explore the meaning of Art Deco behind the revival of contemporary China.
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