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沿海有关市人民政府,有关县(市、区)人民政府,省政府有关部门:伏季休渔是保护渔业资源、保障渔业可持续发展的一项系统工程,也是促进沿海渔农经济发展的一项重要举措。今年适逢实施伏季休渔制度十周年,为进一步做好我省的伏季休渔管理工作,特作如下通知:一、进一步提高认识,切实加强组织领导今年是《渤海生物资源养护规定》正式实施的第一年,渤海与黄海将实施同步休渔。对此,各级、各有关部门要高度重视伏季休渔管理工作,坚决克服地方保护主义。各级政府要对伏休工作负总责,层层落实责任制。渔业、公安边防、工商等部门要加强 Coastal Municipal People’s Government, Relevant County (City, District) People’s Government and Provincial Government Relevant Department: Summer fishing is a systematic project to protect fishery resources and ensure the sustainable development of fisheries, and also a project to promote the economic development of fisheries and fisheries along the coast Important move. This year coincides with the tenth anniversary of the implementation of the summer fishing suspension system, in order to further improve the management of the summer fishing in the province, especially for the following notice: First, to further enhance awareness and effectively strengthen organizational leadership This year is the “Bohai Sea biological resources conservation regulations,” the official implementation The first year, the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea will be implemented simultaneously fishing. In this regard, all levels and all relevant departments should attach great importance to the management of the summer fishing volleyball and resolutely overcome local protectionism. Governments at all levels should take the overall responsibility for the work of rest and retirement and implement the responsibility system at various levels. Fisheries, public security frontier defense, industrial and commercial departments should be strengthened
那一次,我感冒了,咽喉疼痛,声音沙哑,上课时不免精神欠佳。然而,恰恰是这一次感冒,使我对“教师”这一职业,有了认识的飞跃。这种飞跃,缘于一个苹果。 That time, I caught
在考场作文中,你若根据出题要求巧作引用,就可增加文采,提高文章的层次。    一、引电影电视、名文名著、古诗古词等题名来作文章的题目。    如甘肃省2002年的中考作文是以"朋友"为话题写作,你就可以引用《一往情深》、《不能没有你》、《青春与共》(电视剧名),《懂你》、《同桌的你》(歌曲名),《对我,你是最危险的存在》(台湾杜国清诗名)等题目来写。  又如山西太原2002年的中考作文其中有一道是
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