Whole Genome Sequencing and Comparisons of Different Chinese Rabies Virus Lineages Including the Fir

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangbadanwang
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Objective To learn the rabies genome molecular characteristics and compare the difference of China rabies lineages. Methods The complete genomes of 12 strains from different China rabies lineages were amplified and sequenced, and all the China street strain genomes(total 43), Arctic and Arctic-like genomes were aligned using Clustal X2, the genome homologies were analyzed using Meg Align software, and the phylogenetic trees were constructed by MEGA 5. Results First Arctic-like rabies genome in China(CQH1202D) was reported, and we supplemented the rabies genome data of China, ensuring at least one genome was available in each China lineage. The genome size of China V(11908nt) is obviously shorter than other lineages’(11923-11925nt) for the difference of N-P non-coding regions. Among different lineages, the genome homologies are almost under 90%. CQH1202D(China IV lineage) has close relationship with strains from South Korea and they share about 95% genome similarities. Conclusion The molecular characteristics of 6 different China rabies lineages were compared and analyzed from genome level, which benefits for continued comprehensive rabies surveillance, rabies prevention and control in China. Objective To learn the rabies genome molecular characteristics and compare the difference of China rabies lineages. Methods The complete genomes of 12 strains from different China rabies lineages were amplified and sequenced, and all the China street strain genomes (total 43), Arctic and Arctic- like genomes were aligned using Clustal X2, the genome homologies were analyzed using Meg Align software, and the phylogenetic trees were constructed by MEGA 5. Results First Arctic-like rabies genome in China (CQH1202D) was reported, and we supplemented the rabies genome data of China, ensuring at least one genome was available in each China lineage. The genome size of China V (11908nt) is obviously shorter than other lineages’ (11923-11925nt) for the difference of NP non-coding regions. Among different lineages, the genome homologies are almost under 90%. CQH1202D (China IV lineage) has close relationship with Korea from South Korea and they share about 95% lecular characteristics of 6 different China rabies lineages were compared and analyzed from genome level, which benefits for continued comprehensive rabies surveillance, rabies prevention and control in China.
都说2008年是中国年,而中国元素的大热在几年前便初见端倪,当然包括时装设计师在内。他们纷纷将一些草根的中国元素运用在设计中。 Say that 2008 is the year of China, an
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小学教育作为孩子的初级启蒙阶段,对孩子们人生观、 价值观的形成起着至关重要的引导作用.小学生正处于对社会生活认知的初级阶段,也正是对身边的事物都充满好奇心和探究欲的