
来源 :文艺理论与批评 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hofox
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人性、人道主义是十年来哲学界和文艺界展开讨论的规模最大、持续时间最长的一个问题,也是对文艺创作和理论研究发生深远影响的一场争论。粉碎“四人帮”之后,“人”的问题最初发轫于文学创作及文学评论,是从对十年浩劫的历史反思开始的,继而迅速在文学理论领域引起争鸣,然后和哲学上的反思相互激荡,酿成热潮。1980年讨论文章大量出现,到1983年,发表的有关人性、人道主义和异化的文章有700多篇。1984年达到高潮,一年之中约有500余篇,这类文章见诸全国大大小小的报刊杂志。经过一个短期的平静,到1986年之后,这场讨论重又“升温”,至今仍然吸引着许多研究者和社会的关注。 现就笔者在选辑这类文章时所读到的材料,对这次论争作一简述。 Humanity and humanism are the largest and longest-running issues discussed by the philosophical circles and the literary and art circles over the past decade. They are also a controversy that profoundly affects literary and artistic creation and theoretical research. After the smashing of the “Gang of Four,” the question of “man” originated in literary creation and literary criticism started with a historical rethinking of the catastrophic ten-year history and then quickly aroused debate in the field of literary theory and then stirred up with philosophical introspection. Become a craze. In 1980, a great deal of discussion articles appeared. By 1983, there were over 700 articles on humanity, humanism and alienation. Culminating in 1984 with about 500 articles in a year. Such articles are found in newspapers and magazines all over the country. After a short period of calm, after 1986, the discussion heated up again and still attracts the attention of many researchers and the community. Now I read the material in the selection of such articles, a brief account of the debate.
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