
来源 :南开学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yadnlf
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西方人发明的骂人词汇“Pigtail”原本并非专指清朝男人脑后的辫子,还包括日本人头顶的丁髷。日本在明治维新后推动以断发为先导的文明开化,在摆脱沦为殖民地的命运后,便开始蔑视国势衰落的中国。他们忘记了自己也曾被嘲讽为“豚尾”的屈辱,以清人的辫子为主攻对象诋毁中国人的形象,把来自西方的“Pigtail”发展成日式的“チャンチャン坊主(辫子佬)”和汉字化表达的“豚尾”。甲午战争前后这一辱华词汇的泛滥,标志着蔑视中国的对华观已在日本民间定型。 Westerners invented curse words “Pigtail” was originally not specifically refers to the Qing dynasty men behind the braids, but also the Japanese head Ding Ding. After the Meiji Restoration, Japan promoted the civilization-based civilization that took the cut-off as its precursor. After getting rid of its fate as a colony, Japan began to defy China with its decline. They have forgotten that they have also been mocked for the humiliation of “dolphin ”, with the Qing dynasty braids as the main target of slander the Chinese image, the “Pigtail” from the West into the Japanese “チ ャ ン チ ンSquare main (braids guy) ”and the Chinese expression of“ dolphin ”. The spread of this insulting phrase around the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 marked the defensive view of China toward China that has been stereotyped in Japan.
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