早在1832年1月,达尔文乘坐“比格尔”号船旅游途中,曾在日记中提到在甲板上发现被大风从非洲刮来的一层薄薄的灰沙。他当时曾想到,这些“出口”矿物很可能影响南美洲的自然环境。于是他奖灰沙样品寄给德国科学家克·爱伦堡分析。结果证实,这些细小的沙粒含有丰富的磷类化合物及有机物。 现在海洋学家们知道,撒哈拉风沙能给大西洋东部水域“施肥”,结果使海水中繁殖起细小海藻又养育小虾,又喂肥了大鱼。据专家计算,信风和飓风每天吹
As early as January 1832, Darwin traveled on the Beagle boat and in his diary it was mentioned that a thin layer of gray sand had been found on deck devastated by strong winds in Africa. He had thought at the time that these “export” minerals were likely to affect the natural environment in South America. So his prize gray sand samples sent to the German scientist 克埃伦伦堡 analysis. The results confirm that these small grains contain abundant phosphorus compounds and organic matter. Now, oceanographers know that the sahara sand can “fertilize” the waters of the eastern Atlantic Ocean. As a result, the seawater can breed fine seaweed and raise shrimp, feeding large fish. According to expert calculations, letters and hurricanes blow every day