
来源 :中华流行病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yayanorman
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为了解我国性病监测点 15岁以下儿童性病流行趋势及流行特点 ,为制定控制对策提供科学依据 ,对 1987~ 1996年我国性病监测点儿童性病发病情况进行连续监测 ,对监测结果进行流行病学分析。结果发现 15岁以下儿童性病流行特点为 :⑴儿童性病发病呈逐年上升趋势 ,发病率由 1987年的0 .51/ 10万上升至 1996年的 8.62 / 10万 ;⑵以淋病为主 ,平均构成为 85.58% ,但所占比例逐年下降 ,非淋菌性尿道 (宫颈 )炎和梅毒在逐年增高 ;⑶女性发病率均高于男性 ,男女病例数之比为 1∶2 .35;⑷ 0~岁组儿童性病发病率远高于其他年龄组 ,1996年达 4 4 .68/ 10万 ;⑸城市和少数民族地区高于农村。上述表明 ,我国性病监测点儿童性病流行形势日益严峻 ,应引起我们足够的重视。 In order to understand the epidemic trend and epidemic characteristics of STDs in children under 15 years of STD surveillance in our country and to provide a scientific basis for the development of control measures, the incidence of STDs in children at STD monitoring stations in China from 1987 to 1996 was continuously monitored. The epidemiological analysis of surveillance results . The results showed that the prevalence of STDs among children under 15 years of age was as follows: (1) The incidence of STDs in children showed an upward trend year by year, with the incidence rising from 0.51 / 100,000 in 1987 to 8.62 / 100,000 in 1996; (2) (85.58%), but the proportion decreased year by year, non-gonococcal urethritis (cervix) and syphilis increased year by year; (3) The incidence of women was higher than that of men, the ratio of male to female was 1: 2.35; The incidence of STD in children was much higher than that of other age groups, reaching 44.66 / 100,000 in 1996; (5) Urban and ethnic minority areas were higher than rural areas. The above shows that the epidemic situation of STDs in STD monitoring sites in our country is becoming more and more serious and should arouse enough attention from us.